I need to automatize the process of rebuild scene layer cache.I notice that when you click on "Rebuild Cache" button into a SceneLayer Portal item, Portal application make a request to the following url:

It would be helpful to expose the "Manage Cache" functionality for a Scene Layer - 3D Object with the ArcGIS Python API so that updating the scene layer cache to reflect any changes made in the feature layer used to publish the scene layer can be done programmatically.

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I have a workflow where many edits are made to attributes that control symbology on the feature layer used to publish the scene layer. The new symbology needs to be reflected in the web scene. It would be preferably to do this on some set interval, likely several times a day with a scheduled task or after some volume of edits via web hook rather than rely on a user to remember to do it manually.

Hi @JustinReynolds , thanks for your feedback. In my situation, I also confirm that via the web interface of the rest api (.../arcgis/rest/services/System/SceneCachingControllers/GPServer/Manage%20Scene%20Cache/submitJob) everything works well. However, when I try to submit this job via an external app (Integromat for example), the job is nicely created and lauched but quite quickly it fails, indicating an error (esriJobMessageTypeError: ERROR 001812: Unable to connect to the database used for scene caches (In-server connection failed. Server is federated but server environment doesn't have token or referer.)".

Can you please provide the way you triggered it via the rest api ? On my side, I used a POST method, with url-encoded fields :

Also, when you say that you submit the job via python, did you launch your python script directly from the arcgis server machine (assuming that you're on a arcgis entreprise deployment) ?

Have a good one,


I have baked (cached) some dynamics within a scene, that I have setup for simulation. Now I want to transfer that cache-animated results into another scene, where the visual settings are different and other things are going on there, too. How can I copy-paste so, that the cache-data comes with?

When I load scenes the first time after app installation on my android phone, it takes time I.e. few seconds. Thereafter all the scenes load pretty fast. I am assuming the faster load times is because the scenes are loaded from cache.So how can I preload all the scenes in cache or at least the 'heavy' scenes so that they get loaded fast even the first time?

Short answer is you can't, the first time your app runs it will create its own cache and that takes time, But you can create a loading screen and load your scenes asynchronously, there are a lot of tutorials about that

I have a script which I am loading mutliple .obj files of room models from the disk. Each .obj goes into sub-collections depending whether it is a room in the same house or not. In the beginning of the script I am trying to clear the previous collections. y doing that I thought that the corresponding embedded components are also deleted thus flushing the cache memory that they were preserving. But instead, I've noticed that this is not happening which ends up at some point to run out of memory, I learned that the hard way. What I've noticed is that I am ending up with a lot of orphan structures and so on.

Hi everyone, I'm a newbie to houdini. I just started my own project of thesis. It is a house rocket launch, so the rocket scale as a 3 floors house. Everytime i do the test in an empty scene, it is super work, work nicely. But after I copy the same nodes to my project scene, nothing work in there.

Since I have large scene with a neighborhood and high hill. These all in one shot, so I need all of them to collision. But the cache take forever, I know some big simulation might take few days. However, I just in the try and error section, if one cache simulation takes over one day, I probably waste too much time.

I wandering how to make a big scene in production of VFX industry? I know the sensor artist could build the nodes nice and fast based on their experiences. But if you still need to try some value or some different settings in big scene, what would you do to save time?

Cause ArcGIS Pro is installed on a machine with Windows Internet Options settings that distrust the ArcGIS Data Store hosting server. This stops ArcGIS Pro from connecting to the data store because the cache is not generated.

With the release of ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1, we shared an alternative workflow for publishing the contents of large scene layer packages. You can do this by simply extracting the contents of your package to a folder or a cloud data store and publishing a scene layer that references it using the ArcGIS API for Python. ArcGIS Enterprise will serve content directly from the registered data store. This workflow is faster and far more efficient for larger data, as it does not require allocation of additional disk resources in ArcGIS Enterprise.

This parameter is only relevant with cached simulations and effects fluids, rigids, elastics, and meshes. You can specify a global frame offset, valid for all nodes. This global "Frame Offset" also affects the individual node offsets:

The Manage Local Cache dialog box displays a list of all the Harmony Server scenes for which you have cached drawings. In this dialog, you can check if the drawings you have in a scene's cache match the drawings in the database server, you can delete unused caches and you can change the directory in which scene data is cached.

The list of caches stored on your computer. There is one item for each scene for which there is cached data. Each item is identified by the scene's environment, followed by its job, then its name, in this format:

If you select a scene cache in the list, the Manage Local Caches dialog will compare the drawings that are cached on your computer to the drawings in the actual scene in the database, and report if they are identical or not in the Local Cache Status field.

If it displays Scene's Local Cache is identical to the database, then the drawings in the selected cache on your computer are identical to the drawings in the corresponding scene in the database, meaning that your cache and that the database are up to date.

If it displays Scene's Local Cache is different than database, then some drawings in the selected cache on your computer are different from the drawings in the corresponding scene in the database. This usually means one of the following:

Hey Peddie pretty awesome idea! But not many think a cache on compositor output is so great, what with frame change events and all. Would be terrific to scrub in some renders to a cache like the tracker does.

Geolib3-MT is a modernized version of the Classic Geolib3 runtime (Katana's scene graph processing engine). It is designed to optimize re-use of computed scene data during multithreaded scene evaluation.

In 3D rendering, "cooking" refers to preparing and processing data before it is rendered. To boost performance, Katana stores frequently accessed cook results in a cache located in system memory. Scene data is stored for each scene graph location and Op. This includes output scene graph details and information needed to efficiently process descendant and downstream locations.

Eviction during a render using the Classic runtime is managed directly by the scene traversal mechanism of the renderer plug-in, but is typically configured to evict continually and aggressively to minimize memory consumption. Instead, The Geolib3-MT runtime allows the user to control the eviction strategy.

Cache management can have a considerable impact on the performance of your renders. Katana provides three configurable cache eviction strategies to allow optimization for particular recipes and hardware configurations.

The optimal cache eviction strategy depends on your project, configuration options, and choice of renderer. There is no one-size-fits-all approach - it's more practical to experiment with the various strategies to determine the most effective one rather than relying solely on theoretical models.

Dependency protection involves tracking cook dependencies in order to effectively protect scene data that may be expected to be required for subsequent cooks. This includes data pertinent to the following:

Dependency protection is the default option and has been designed to deliver good performance for any scene recipe, with straightforward options for customization when necessary. By default, eviction occurs every one second.

With Dependency Protecting, eviction should happen relatively infrequently. This is because pausing all scene cooking and evaluating the extent of cook protection is costly. However, evictions should not be so infrequent as to allow excessive memory consumption.

To be efficient, most of the scene data should be evicted at each turn. This can be assessed by enabling verboseLogging in the render settings. When enabled, you receive a report on the number of protected cooks for each eviction. This includes the reason for their protection and the size of the cache as it changes, given as the number of Cook Results.

Enabling explicit protection for most recently used locations can benefit expensive scene recipes with specific access patterns. In such cases, the extra protection justifies the cost of the eviction process.

Continual uses a hard-limited global scene data cache with thread-local recency lists. Cache eviction works on a per-thread Least Recently Used (LRU) basis, similar to Relaxed mode. However, unlike Relaxed, the hard limit of the global cache is actively enforced.

This is the original strategy for GeoLib3-MT. "Relaxed" uses global and per-thread caches of shared data. Eviction occurs periodically, and in the background, operating per-thread using the Last Recently Used (LRU) principle.

Using thread-local recency data to select which data to evict can be a lightweight option that yields good results. However, the drawback is that tighter caching limits might result in unexpected re-cooking, which can be expensive for scene recipes involving resource-intensive operations and particular access patterns. 006ab0faaa

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