
Unfortunately, this page is still under reconstruction...

Please check back as many links will be updated asap.

(Sadly, all of the PowerPoint and PP Show files need to be converted to Google Slides for this new website, but more likely will be saved as PDFs to expedite viewing, without animation.)

Teacher Development Center training banner

Introduction to TDC’s SMART Board notes

TDC Fall 2011 Sustain/AccessAbilITy slides

HippoCampus blog banner

HippoCampus Environmental Science Blog

(author-created archive)

The original publication is available at

Select Presentation Materials

These archives are provided for reference and review. You may need the PowerPoint Viewer to view the slideshows or the Acrobat Reader to view and print the associated files.


An Executive Introduction to nSIGHTS

12 December 2013

Professional Development in Vision Development

(PDF booklet)

IFWE presentation cover

Presentations at International Forum for Women in E-learning

28 November 2012

Community OF Practice or Community AS Practice

(PPS | Notes | Handout and References)

29 November 2012

Luncheon Closing Panel: Well, I didn't see that coming....

(PPS | Losing your job book referenced)

Teaming to Teach cover

25 May 2012 presentation at Innovations in Online Learning

Teaming to Teach: Expanding the Interaction Model with Faculty-Librarian Collaboration

("Cheat Sheet" | Handout and References)

IOL 2011 cover

27 May 2011 presentation at Innovations in Online Learning

C-S-I- (Content-Student-Instructor-): Triangulating Interactivity to Create an Integrated Online Learning Environment

(PPS | Handout | References)

Facebook clicks cover

8 January 2011 presentation prepared for faculty/staff of the Teacher Development Center at UT-Dallas

Using new tools for collecting data and assessing student learning:

An introduction to CPS Pulse and Facebook via ED4372

(PPS | YouTube - Part I | YouTube - Part II)

Technology Pace cover

4 March 2010 presentation for the Science Education and Engineering Center at UT-Dallas

Technology in the Science/Mathematics Classroom:

Keeping Pace or Setting the Pace? (PPS | Links | Notes)

IFWE poster

29 November 2007 poster presented at the 3rd Annual Conference of the USDLA's International Forum for Women in E-Learning

IFWE challenge accepted:

New and improved MAT-SE research courses/tools

(Text of both posters | Presentation poster | Challenge poster)

Teaching Units for Science Educators

These units were created by R. Nix in partial fulfillment of her MAT-SE degree at UT Dallas!

Teachers are welcome to save/edit the following resources for educational use in their own school classrooms. Save the PPTs to your hard drive to see the presentation notes in 'normal view'. Although the technology is a bit aged, hopefully new ideas and approaches will be inspired!

► Mineralogy: Crystal System Models (PPT)

► First-Order Changes in a Local Mountain Environment (PPT | Notes)

► The Amazing Time Machine (PPT)

► A Day in the Desert Digging Dinosaurs (PPT | Notes | Updated Site)

► From Bones in a Box... to Heroes in Hollywood! (PPT)

► The Gulf of California: A Physical, Geological & Biological Study (Notes)

► WHY STUDY MARINE SCIENCE? One Geologist's Perspective (HTML)

► Observation Skills: Hidden Pictures in the Intertidal Zone (HTML | Notes)

I designed the following Virtual Field Trips for use in any and every classroom. Although the main topics are based in ecology (life science), geology (earth science) and humankind (environmental science), these sites also support lessons in computer science, technology, mathematics, physics, social studies, geography, history, language arts and classical art. The structure is open so that you may approach most any topic from virtually every direction. Each “element” is woven into the “Big Picture” with links and references to allow you and your students to explore the presented information through the most logical route. The same scientific principles and processes apply in other geographic locations as well!

Global Environmental Change (Big Bend National Park, Summer 2000)

The Subduction Crew! (RV Melville, southern Mariana Arc, Spring 2001)

Special thanks to all of the Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST) workshop attendees, UT-Dallas Science/Mathematics Education MAT students, and Dallas ISD AC students who were enthusiastic participants in the activities – and supportive 'stars' who helped us get started by allowing us to create these video supplements - and to SCE Associates and RNIX Company for the use of these activities.

Use them freely for your own educational purposes (with proper citations).

2010 forward © Rebekah K. Nix, PhD. All rights reserved.

These items may be used by UTD students and graduates in their respective classrooms.

Email for permission to use these items in other ways or for commercial use.

Class Starter Activities for Life-Long Learners

You need the Acrobat Reader to view and print the activity descriptions (Details). The video clips are saved on YouTube.


Snippet | Details


Snippet | Details


Analytic > Snips < Geometric



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(& Where Do I Go?)

Snippet | Details


Snippet | Details


Snippet | Details


Starting > Snippet < +20 mins


Just one good reason to use these activities…

Why Ask Why snippet!