In a previous article, I showed you how to add the library to your project and how to use it for uploading files to a remote server. The steps for adding the library to your project can also be found there. (TLDR; yarn add rn-fetch-blob).

In the snippet, GenericFile is nothing but an interface that has some basic info about the file (name, extension, nothing much). You need to know the extension in order to correctly store the file on the device. Otherwise, you'll run into a nightmare where the phone downloads .pdf and .png files which cannot be opened normally since they're viewed as binary files.

Rn-fetch-blob Download Multiple Files

Download File 🔥 🔥

One small note on the manner in which the mimeType has been determined in the snippet: it's more of a proof of concept way. In a real-world app, you might want to refactor that. I'd extract to a utils file 3 methods, each one returning a boolean: isImage, isPdfFile, and isVideoFile. Maybe you also want to support audio files. The world is yours! However, you should probably export some lists containing your supported types and check whether or not the extension of the file is contained within the appropriate list.

A must-do that will ensure a good user experience is to set useDownloadManager to true on the Android side (line 46) and combine it with the notification flag set to true. By doing so, the user will see the downloaded file in the notifications panel.

DownloadManager will properly take care of the file download on Android devices in the background, taking into consideration special cases such as rebooting the device or losing your internet connection. Therefore, by using this system service, you ensure that the user will indeed end up successfully downloading the file that they requested through your app.

One small tip when downloading files on iOS: if the file download (file preview, in this case) action is initiated from a bottom-sheet dialog, make sure that you close the dialog before initiating the preview operation. I can tell you from experience that the preview will not work unless you do so.

Your error handling might simply be a snackbar that informs the user about the unfortunate event. In the same manner, you might also want to display a snackbar in the case when the download has indeed been successful (who doesn't love good news in their apps?)

This is where the react-native-fs and react-native-blob-util packages come into play. These packages provide native file system access for React Native. In other words, they make file access and data transfer more accessible and efficient for React Native developers, especially for large files like blobs.

In the above code, the array is the blob string value, object values, or a mix of the values we want to convert to a blob. The options include the blob types (mime-type) which can be application/json, text/plain, image/png, and so on.

This will automatically add the react-native-fs package to our project. In a scenario where the automatic linking does not work for some reason, check the official docs to see how to manually link the package to your project.

In the code above, we import DocumentDirectoryPath and writeFile from our react-native-fs package. We use the DocumentDirectoryPath constant to get the directory file path of the location where we want to save our file. Then, we use the writeFile method to save our file with the content of our input.

This method returns a promise that contains an array of objects with properties. These properties include:

ctime: the date that the file was created; this property is only available for iOS

mtime: the date that the file was last modified or changed

name: the name of the file or item

path: contains the absolute path of the file or item

size: shows the size of the file

isFile: a function that returns a boolean that shows if the item is a file or not

isDirectory: a function that returns a boolean that shows if a file is a directory or not

In the code above, we use the try...catch method to read our directory path using the readDir method. Then, we set the response to the directory array in our state. Next, we map through the array using FlatList and render the list of files as shown in the image above.

The readFile method lets us read the contents of a file that we have saved. It also returns a promise containing an array of objects with properties, just like the readDir method. The syntax is as follows:

Next, we click on the file or item that we want to read and set our checkContent state to true. Then, using conditional rendering, we return the ViewFile component only if the checkContent state returns true.

Moving forward, we make use of our readFilemethod to read the contents of our file. First, we check if our item is a file or not using the isFile() function property that we looked at earlier. If it is a file, then we can use readFile to read and display its contents.

Using this information about available or unused storage, we can check if the available storage is smaller or bigger than what we want to download. If it is smaller, the download will be allowed. Otherwise, it will be canceled and an error message will be shown to the user.

This package is a fork of the now-deprecated react-native-fetch-blob package and its first fork, rn-fetch-blob. Since those packages are no longer maintained, the creator continued the project in this fork to go on supporting React Native developers in accessing and transferring data and files easily and efficiently.

Next, we create a function that will handle saving the file when we click the Create new file button. Just like react-native-fs, react-native-blob-util has a writeFile method that allows us to write and save a file to the path we specified.

To get the list of files in a directory, react-native-blob-util has a method called lstat that allows us to get the statistical data of files in a directory. The result data will be an array of objects; it also returns a promise.

With the returned objects, we can map through and display the file names. We can also accomplish other tasks, like checking the last modified date and time as well as the size of the files. See the code below to understand how this works in action:

Downloading a PDF blob is similar to downloading an image blob. We only make a tweak of the mime config and change the file name with a .pdf extension to indicate that we are downloading a PDF. See the code below;

We explored using these packages to create, save, and read files. We also saw how we can fetch and manage blobs in React Native, including uploading and downloading blobs from the cloud. During this process, we can perform a device storage check to provide better user experiences.

If you followed along with this tutorial and practiced the demonstrated examples, you should find it easy to fetch and handle blob data in React Native on your own using react-native-fs and react-native-blob-util. Be sure to comment with any questions you have while applying this knowledge to your projects.

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But I am not following it totally, What I read from it, I can upload multiple files in one session, When I start a session while uploading one file, I think it works for sending chunks of a single file not, different files.

To clarify a bit, you need one "upload session" per file. Each upload session gets its own session ID. When adding data to a single upload session, you need to identify how much you've already added to that upload session by using the "offset" value. This helps make sure you're uploading the right pieces. If you specify the wrong current offset for an upload session, you'll get that "incorrect_offset" error.

Check the /2/files/upload_session/finish_batch documentation for information on how to format the parameters for it. Be sure to click on "UploadSessionFinishArg", and so on, to expand the documentation for the nested fields.

I also recommend using the API v2 Explorer to help guide you in understanding how to build the parameters. Click the "Add" button to add an entry and fill in the fields, for instance, and then click "Show Code" to see what the resulting code would be for the call.

I don't believe we have a sample for using upload sessions with /2/files/upload_session/finish_batch, but there are some examples of just using upload sessions (with some of the SDKs) here, which should be a good starting point for the logic:

My question is, from where I can have the offset value? its nowhere from the very start? 

I followed the complete documentation guide, and I am not able to even upload one file with upload session.

That is to say, it should be the number of bytes that you have already uploaded so far for that particular upload session. You should keep track of this client-side as you send the file data up to Dropbox.

If you want to commit multiple file uploads at once, and avoid the you should use /2/files/upload_session/finish_batch. That endpoint does not only take a single file name/upload session ID. Its UploadSessionFinishBatchArg.entries parameter takes a list of multiple UploadSessionFinishArg. You can find information on that in the documentation here:

It says "List of (UploadSessionFinishArg, max_items=1000)", indicating that you can supply up to 1000 per call. Each UploadSessionFinishArg should contain the information for a single file and upload session.

The example app you will build in this tutorial will contain two screens. The first screen will be the Home screen with a list of items. The second screen will be the Details screen which shows an item's details.

Let's configure React Navigation version 6 and install the required dependencies. This will allow configuring deep linking via navigation and navigating between two screens.

That's all you need to configure the React Navigation library in a bare React Native app.

Note: The process to configure the React Navigation library in a bare React Native project may change. It is recommended to follow instructions from their official documentation. 152ee80cbc

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