Jesus Saves And So Do I
Hi, I have been rescuing Wild animals and Pets, providing information, counseling, referrals All for free since 2009.
I started the reptile and amphibian refuge center after not being able to find a vet for my pet bearded dragon spike.
After a long search I found doctor Benner at the VCA hospital in south hadly mass.
I have been functioning as a 100% free rescue service for pets as well as wild animals in distress, as well as the local animal health and welfare connector.
People call and ask a lot of questions from how do I get rid of skunks to how do I find a vet for my Bird to can you find a home for my pet snake, you get the point.
On March 21 st. 2015 I became a Ordained Minister.
under direction from Jesus or The Holy Spirit.
I would have to say it was Jesus or the Holy Spirit convicting me and driving me to become a Minister as only a few months later on June 9 th that satin him self would show up to darken my door step in the form of corrupt city officials hoping they had found a pot of gold to fill their pockets with.
And instead found only sand and dust, infuriated beyond belief, they turned to threats, coercion and harassment.
[ it should be noted it is leprechauns not Ministers that are rumored to have pots of gold ]
They Demanded I stop my Christian Mission of Helping people, animals and pets for free and that this web site be removed until I got a business location to operate my non business from. [ the new Business location is the church I serve ]
Even though Information, referral and every thing else I offer for free is not a Business, even though the federal small business administration said ' By definition your business is not a business, it is a free service, a true non profit and community service '
and even though they were knowingly breaking the law in their so called effort to enforce the law with out due process.
They threatened my self, my 80 year old mom, manufactured evidence, made false and fictitious statements, tried to coerce me for money.
and kept it up until I was forced to bring other state officials into the picture to rebuff their false accusations.
I contacted several state and federal agency's, regarding the city's dirty tactics and practices.
The department of Justice decided enough was enough of the harassment and had the FBI take a complaint.
I also contacted the Church for council due to this blatant attack upon my Christian efforts to help the community at large.
I am a Legally Ordained Minister on a Christian Mission from God to step into Noah's foot steps to help Animals and the People who care for them.
I serve the Universal Life Church, please direct any needs other then what is offered here to their Headquarters at
What I believe :
Without Noah having saved each and every one of the species of God's Creation, our Earth would be a barren desert unfit for human life. We all owe a debt of gratitude to Noah for having followed God's explicit instructions to preserve and protect all species both great and small so that we could have life.
I am committed to spreading the faith of Noah around the globe, for if our generation continues to defy God and his instructions to Noah, which have never been rescinded, then we and our progeny are doomed to a life in a living hell on Earth.
The spirit of God is in all of Creation-from the tiniest butterfly to the greatest whale-from the tiniest wildflower to the greatest redwood. We, as was Noah, are God's stewards, and as temporal tenants of Planet Eden we are obligated to continue the mission of Noah.
Animals taken as pets are to be our friends and companions, they are not slaves or here to be tortured for any sick amusement.
Too many corrupt Politicians and corporations look at them as a way to make money and never see them as what they are a gift to us to keep us sane in our times of greatest need.
Each and everyone of them like a little person to be loved and cherished.
If you truly love your Pets as friends then your a good person no matter what any one tells you.