ORC Europeann Championships

The Royal Malta Yacht Club is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the ORC European Championships 2023.

The RMYC is thankful to the ORC for accepting to hold this prestigious event in Malta.

A sizable fleet of very competitive offshore boats typically compete in these championships and the Malta event is expected to be no exception being within easy reach of the Western Mediterranean, the Adriatic and the Aegean regions.

The event will be held between the 23rd April and 1st May and will consist of a Long offshore race, a short offshore race and a series of inshore races..

For full details refer to the Notice of Race and the event website www.orceuro2023.com .

Register for this event at the event website:

Prior to this event, between the 3rd and 5th February an ORC Measurement Seminar will be held at the RMYC.

ORC European Championship Malta 2023 Notice of Race v1.7.pdf

Notice of Race