
Here you can find the list of my presentations (ordered from most recent)

Talk Eindhoven 2024.pdf

11th March 2024 - Eindhoven

YEP 2024

Talk: Detecting network geometry using global and local triangle-based statistics

Talk Aalto 2024.pdf

5th March 2024 - Helsinki

CX Talks

Talk: Modeling networks through geometric random intersection graphs

Talk Leiden 2023.pdf

23rd March 2023 - Leiden

iPOD seminar

Talk: Distinguishing geometry in networks through triangle-based statistics

Talk Florence - February 23.pdf

28th February 2023 - Florence

Special Guest Seminar Series

Talk: Is there geometry in real networks?

Talk Bologna - June 22.pdf

15th June 2022 - Bologna

Third Italian Meeting on Probability and Mathematical Statistics

Talk: Influence of geometry in the structure of large scale-free networks

Talk Madrid - December 21.pdf

2nd December 2021 - Madrid

10th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications

Talk: Cliques in geometric power-law random graphs: a phase transition for the influence of geometry

Talk Groningen - September 21.pdf

23rd September 2021 - Groningen

Randomness Unleashed Geometry, Topology and Data

Talk: Subgraphs in geometric network models