Note : Fee as per UP state government's directive

  • Late fees will be paid with a fine of Rs. 20/ - per day after the due date.

  • In case the cheque is not honoured, a bounce charge of Rs. 400/- will be imposed.

  • If fees are not deposited within 45 days of the stipulated date, the child’s name may be struck off from the school rolls.

  • Parents desirous of paying the whole year’s fee, they may pay the same .

  • Any fee once paid to the school is non-refundable and non-transferable and that in case of any withdrawal in between the session, the parent will be liable to pay the fee for the existing quarter of the current year.

Parents may contact the following for fee queries :

Ms. Priya Tyagi (Coordinator)
Mobile No:+91-9759434186 (Timings 9 AM to 2 PM Monday to Saturday)
Email Id

Mrs. Babita Sharma (Admission Co-ordinator)
Mobile No:+91-7055752501 (Timings 9 AM to 2 PM Monday to Saturday)
Email Id