
Mr. D.P. Sharma

True education releases capacities, develops analytical abilities, confidence, will, and goal-setting competencies, and instills the vision serving the best interests of the community...!! It�s my pleasure and privilege to serve as the Director of R.M. International School�not only because it�s my passion but also because I enjoy the company of my dearly loved students and talented and zealous teachers who keep me energized all the time. R.M. International School is not just ONE More school in the already long list of educational institutions in the City, but it is ONE school which has made a great difference in its Qualitative journey. Our children represent our hopes and dreams. As a parent, you certainly want the best for your child and we are indeed happy to be working with you to ensure that they are given the right knowledge to face future challenges. The Management, Parents, Students and the Teaching Fraternity are a team and complement each other's efforts. Education is not just a process of giving knowledge for a high profiled job but a lifelong process which creates an understanding of moral and ethical values to guide and make our students morally upright citizens of the country. We try to create an atmosphere of reverence for education and a healthy environment where academics , sports and co-curricular Facilities mould our students and motivate them to be the brightest and the best. In order to do this, the school works towards inculcating certain values in the students in order to enrich their mind and spirit and also to develop essential moral attributes like truthfulness, courtesy, generosity, compassion, justice, love and trustworthiness in them. The students are taught to study in an atmosphere of love and unity where each student sees himself or herself as a member of one global family, free from the prejudices of ethnicities, nationalities and class. �If a plant is carefully nurtured by a gardener, it will become good, and produce better fruit. Therefore, children must be given a good training from their earliest childhood.�. This is what we at R.M. International School are striving to do, Our role is identical to that of a gardener and we strive to perform this role to the best of our ability by nurturing these 'seeds' at school so that they bear the " Best Fruits " in the years to come. . I am very grateful to each and every member of the R.M. International School Fraternity Our Staff who know very well how to synchronize and harmonize with our process of growth. Our Students who constantly show by their performance and conduct that it makes a difference to be a student of R.M. International School; and last but not the least Our Parents whose trust inspires us to move ahead ...!!. We wish you and your child a very rewarding experience at R.M. International School....!!!