
If you would like to become a member of the Round Lake Property Owners Association please press HERE for the online application.

If you would like to renew your existing membership please press HERE 


The Round Lake Property Owners’ Association (RLPOA) was formed in 1962 to represent owners around the lake in order to:

The Association's business is conducted by a Volunteer Executive consisting of the President, Past President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. It also includes Volunteer Program Chairs, Committee Members and Shore Line Directors.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the members is held during the weekend preceding the summer Civic Holiday weekend.

You can become a member of RLPOA:

If you are owners of the municipally-taxed properties that front on the shores of Round Lake and the rivers and creeks that flow in and out of Round Lake up to their present intersection with Round Lake (County Road 58), Red Rock Road, and the Tramore Dam downstream.

To become a member in good standing, a property owner must have paid the membership fee for the current year.

A property owner may appoint a designate who has regular use of and responsibility for the property. Designates may hold RLPOA board positions and vote at AGM’s. (Note: There is a maximum of one vote per property.)

Interesting facts about our lake property owners:

With your $20 membership you receive:

Board Committees.

Membership in the Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Association (FOCA), which represents 250,000 waterfront property owners and 525 lake and road associations, in rural communities, across the province. FOCA provides annual events and educational opportunities, such as webinars for free, or at reduced member rates.

MEMBERSHIP also supports:


Memberships are available at an individual rate for property owners, with one vote allowed per property. While an Email address is not required to be a member, you can provide your email address for email newsletter updates, or monitor our website for Association activities and use our members only section to keep apprised of the Association activities.

Family members are welcome to provide their email addresses to also receive emailed information.

If you do not have an Email address, contact the Association by mail to request your user credentials for the website.

Annual Membership Fee = $20.00