Meet the Teachers

Miss Erin - Preschool Teacher

Erin Dea, our Preschool & Child Care Director, joined our Silver Pups in 2018. Miss Erin has a Bachelor's in Family and Consumer Sciences and a Master's in Business Administration. Miss Erin loves working with both the high schoolers and preschoolers through our Silver Pups Preschool Program. She is always telling people she has the best job in the world! 

Miss Erin loves traveling. She's happy with any type of vacation: historical, cruise/beach, adventurous, road trips, city, sport events (currently working on seeing a game at all the MLB fields). She loves all things Disney and sharing the magic with her 2 kids.

Miss Tori - Child Care Manager

Miss Tori joined our Silver Pups family in 2010.  Miss Tori is one of our RHS students who joined us after graduating in 2009. Miss Tori has a calm and easy going composure. She's loving and always is smiling or laughing. Miss Tori works across all ages in our Child Care Lab, focusing on 2-3 year old's.