Riva's Reality

Stories drive meaning.

Stories give us connections. 

Inquiry into the LIVES of HUMANS allows us to explore truth and meaning. Critical thinking, and collaborating with others allows students  ask questions, take charge of their own learning and seek solutions for  problems they want to solve. 

A humanities project to bring the past alive for our students today

A learning experience like this does not happen by accident. In order to develop the conditions for vulnerability in exploring inward, outward, and forward, the learning space must be established. Not just pretty signs, but an atmosphere that is safe to ask questions, share ideas that might not work, and time to revise until the work feels ready for the world.

Learning experiences such as this one will require hard work, effort, flexibility, and adapting when things don’t work or go according to plan. If you want to establish learning like this project you are about to explore, then you must be ready to work hard, have an open mind, work collaboratively, and begin a new journey that not only will open the eyes, minds, and hearts of your students, but for you as well.

You don’t have to do it alone. As Susie Wise says in her book, Design For Belonging, “Belonging helps us to be fully human. It gives us permission to share our talents and express our life force. It enables cooperation, collaboration, and the ability to work across difference. It emboldens our creativity and our problem solving abilities. When people feel like they belong, they are able to be their best and do their best.”

Let’s begin the journey.

Riva Comic Book - Education Version copy.pdf

A large PDF documenting the journey of the work throughout the project

Riva Comic Book_layout_small.pdf

The official comic but created with student thinking and persepctive included.

The officially published version of the book found in stores

How to use this website?

This website is a companion website to the Educator Guidebook. It is designed to provide a digital space for the PDF linked above to access the links and resources found on the pages of the guide.