
I am an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, having completed the Developing Teaching Skills (DTS) programme. This course is run by the UEA Centre for Staff and Educational Development (CSED) and the UEA School of Education.

As the recipient of the UEA Research and Teaching Scholarship, I had the opportunity to gain teaching experience throughout my PhD programme. My teaching experience as a seminar leader to date is summarised in the table below:

In addition, I have experience marking a variety of different assessments, including essays, presentations, course tests, computer tests and exams. I have also voluntarily helped with exam invigilation.

I also worked as a Learning Enhancement Tutor, teaching Mathematics and Statistics for the Student Support Services at the UEA, 2019/20.

While teaching, I am also very proud of the feedback I have received through student evaluations. I take my teaching responsibilities very seriously and get great satisfaction from helping my students. I have consistently received high quantitative feedback and below are some of my favourite qualitative comments I have received from students:

  • “My seminar leader Ritchie was exceptional in explaining content and working through problems during his contact hours.”

  • "Ritchie was very helpful, especially in the stats seminars."

  • "An absolute credit to the department. His level of being able to explain difficult content to our seminar class was second to none... GIVE THIS MAN A PAY RISE!"

  • "Ritchie paced his teaching perfectly. He was very good throughout the whole module."

  • "He would always cover all of the seminar material in detail to which we could all understand and would finish the seminar exactly when we were supposed to finish. I could not stress anymore of how good a seminar leader Ritchie is and I thank him for his work."