Working Papers

The working paper below investigates how the distribution of wages within a team affects performance. The research is related to the first empirical chapter of my PhD thesis.

Wage Distributions and Team Performance - Woodard, Dawson & Papadopoulos (2017).pdf

The working paper below investigates the dimension of national diversity and how it affects team performance. The research is related to the second empirical chapter of my PhD thesis.

National Diversity and Team Performance.pdf

The working paper below investigates how wage dispersion affects the performance of individuals within teams. The research is related to the third empirical chapter of my PhD thesis.

Woodard, Dawson and Papadopoulos - Discussion Paper - SEA 2019 .pdf

The working paper below investigates the correlation between job satisfaction and automatability. We give evidence that the negative relationship is related to the nature of jobs, rather than fears over job security.
