In Rio de Janeiro, tens of thousands of spectators jammed into the Sambadrome to watch the spectacle of samba-school floats, dancers, and extravagant costumes during Carnival. Even more people took part in the many blocos, or street parties, dancing and drinking into the wee hours of the night. Collected here are images from Rio and So Paulo, Brazil, during Carnival 2019.

I had told you that, when sorting through photos and naming them, I found a lot more street art photos from Brazil. To end the year, and to finish our reports from Brazil , this will be our last post of streetart images from Brazil.

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The reason we owe some form of care and respect for marriage, for children, for the elderly, for the marginalized, for sexuality, for human bodies is because these things are images of God. We owe them some kind of reverence because they are made by God to be good and because the incarnation imbued humanity with the divine.

The images, taken by photojournalist Domingos Peixoto, show desperate people in Rio de Janeiro sorting through animal carcasses in the back of a truck that transports the discarded leftovers from grocery stores, The Guardian said.

Data of the Brazilian National Household Sampling Survey (Pesquisa Nacional por Amostrade Domiclio - PNAD) reveal the increase in the number of mammographic proceduresover the last years(2), whichcorresponds to a general, yet uneven, increment in the access to mammography. Iniquitiesto be overcome apart, it is important to high-light that the effectiveness of suchscreening is influenced by parameters related to the mammography apparatus itself -compression force, compression paddle alignment, incidence of the x-ray beam - and tothe images processing, technique selection, patient positioning and imagesinterpretation. All these parameters which affect the mammographic imaging qualityshould be in compliance with mammography standards in order to allow for a successfulscreening(3,4).

Considering the academic and clinical consensus about mammography being the imagingmethod of choice for breast cancer screening(5), it is expected that such a procedure produces good-qualityimages with the use of the lowest possible radiation dose. In Brazil, the initiativesaimed at mammography quality assurance started in 1991, with the Mammography QualityControl Program implemented by Colgio Brasileiro de Radiologia, whose adhesionwas voluntary(6,7). In the same decade, the Federal Ordinance 453/98established the guidelines for protection in medical and odontologicalradiodiagnosis(6,8,9).

Despite methodological differences, one can affirm the present results are differentfrom the ones reported by another study developed in the Paraba stateapproaching the evolution of imaging quality in 17 facilities in the period from 1999 to2003(9). Such study concludedthat there was a positive impact of the quality program implementation on themammography images quality. Five facilities achieved a range corresponding to excellencelevel, other five facilities achieved a level rated as desirable, and seven achieved theminimum desirable level. None of the facilities was below the minimum desirable level,i.e. non-compliance with at least four evaluated parameters(9).

In the present study developed in Rio de Janeiro, positive results were observed inrelation to compression paddle force between 11 and 18 kg (72.3% at the first inspectionto 85.1% at the second). A positive result was also observed in the FederalDistrict(6), with 48.6% at thefirst inspection and 77.1% at the second. The relevance of this parameter is related tothe appropriate compression of the breast, separating the tissue components in order toavoid images overlapping and loss of definition of the breast structures, at the sametime reducing the absorbed radiation dose to the breast and improving lesions visibilitywith compression tolerable by the patient (between 11 and 18 kg)(8,9).

The relevance of the automatic exposure control consists in maintaining a certainconstant degree of darkening of breast images with thicknesses between 2 and 5 cm. Insuch study, the level of compliance in relation the parameter "automatic exposurecontrol" decreased from 68.0% to 58.0%, which is worrisome. Such a fact was not observedin the study of the Federal District, which reported an increase from 37.1% to68.6%(6). Automatic exposurecontrol is the most important procedure directly related to radiation dose and imagingquality, and the emphasis on the automatic exposure control testing may provideinformation on the system performance(21).

As regards the radiographic films processing, the results of compliance observed at thesecond inspection in the state of Rio de Janeiro (72.7%) are above those found in theFederal District (45.7%)(6), but oneobserves that films processing still remains as a critical issue in the mammographicimages production chain. This is confirmed by the visualization of low-contrast circularimages (disks). According to Corra et al.(27), the visualization of low-contrast circular details is the mostreliable image quality indicator reflecting the image processing quality. In Rio deJaneiro, there was a decrease in compliance to a level < 50%, from 47.1% to 45.1%.This was also observed in the Federal District, with 62.9% at the first inspection to48.6% at the second(6).

The Ordinance 453/98(8) establishesthat an imaging quality evaluation be monthly performed with a phantom, with recordingand filing of such images for inspection by the health surveillance authority; and thatthe testing be performed by a physicist specialized in physics ofradiodiagnosis(8). According toseveral facilities, particularly those located away from the state-metro region, thisrepresents a difficulty, but this does not exempt them to offer good-quality mammographyservices, as professional resources can be shared by different facilities.

The use of three-dimensional data has become, for a lot of mapping applications, very important. DEM are applied for modelling purposes, i.e. the 3D city model generation, but principally for imagery orthorectification. In aerial photogrammetry is well known the suitable use of stereo imagery to produce an accurate DEM, but the limits of the process (cost, schedule of data collection, highly technical staff) and the new advanced digital image processing algorithms have open the work scenario to the remote sensing data. This research has wanted to investigate the possibility to obtain accurate DEMs by means of automatic terrain extraction algorithms implemented in Leica Photogrammetry Suite (LPS) from stereoscopic remote sensing images collected by DigitalGlobe's WorldView-2 (WV2) satellite. The DEM of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and the correspondent digital orthoimages have been the results. 17dc91bb1f

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