Anyone have any idea if Steam will keep these downloads going while the computer's put onto Sleep-mode? cause i don't wanna have this running while i'm out to college (to save power) and have a full on Bright-as-fuck Screen blasting the room during night and that running Motor sound, (When i'm sleeping.)

Origin does not have an option that allows you to prevent the PC from going into sleep mode. Just like the Steam, once your PC goes to sleep, Origin will stop downloading any games or updates.

Will Steam Games Download In Sleep Mode

Download File 🔥 🔥

uPlay gives you the least options when it comes to controlling how you download your games. The only real solution to getting uPlay to download overnight is to manually turn off sleep mode on your PC.

**bleep** it...I replied but the website required me to log in and killed my original comment.

Here's the gist of my experience with both my and my girlfriend's quest 2 headsets.

It's a 50/50 coin toss on if the headset will go to sleep when taking it off. I have the sleep period set to max.

I'll often lift the headset up onto my forehead to review my PC monitor or engage in the real world. Sometimes, the headset stays active and I can slide it back down to continue playing.

Other times, it goes to sleep immediately. The worst part, is that when it goes to sleep and I have to re-wake it, the guardian setting will be lost, requiring me to set up the room once again.

It's pretty irritating and I wish I could just have an option to "leave screen on" since I always turn the device off manually when I'm finished playing. >_

Well, if it's detecting it's not actively being worn, I think it enters sleep mode to conserve power. I think the settings you guys are looking at affect how long of inactivity while being worn you have before it enters sleep mode. AKA, settings that will allow you to watch a movie or TV in VR without touching the controllers and it not shutting off on you.

Besides, the Quest 1 did the same thing last year. Yeah, it's annoying when trying ti input a complicated password you keep in a text file (that's on a removable flash drive) such as my current wifi pre-shared key. But at the same time, I find it more annoying when I take off the Quest and it keeps exiting sleep mode 2 or 3 times while I'm putting the lens cover in place.

Oh, well, yes, that could happen because 15 MB is so little. It takes a few seconds to go into sleep mode. Usually, my computer turns the screen of first and then other processes. Then when I start it up, I need to log in and while I'm doing them the rest of my processes already start.

I have this issue ever since the first day I bought my pc ( 4 -5 years ago ).

I even got A replacement pc ( the current one ).

My pc randomly will not resume from sleep-stand-by.

Yes, there is a widespread issue with Intel NUCs not waking up from sleep. This issue has been known for a few years and affects many different Intel NUC models, including the Intel NUC Kit NUC8i3BEH.

For me the game with a wheel on XBOXOneX is because of this fact unplayable. It is impossible to use the wheel alone, you could not even start the game, but if you start the game, you can use the wheel, but you could not disable the controler.

I did not find any place to switch of the sleep mode, not in windows and also not ingame.

You could not run a race with more than 2 laps without touching the pad and that is only the problem in FM7, PCars and Assetto Corsa both work fine with wheel.

Environment: XBoxOneX, Elite Controller, Fanatec CSW V2

It is so annoying, as we can not continue flights by loading saved *.FLT files, the Sim crashes as well after waking up PC from hybernate or sleep mode. So right now it is not possible in no way to save and continue a flight some time later, allways CTDs. Anyone with same issue?

hello folks,

so i had this problem for a very long time now

when playing a game (steam) and being afk for a while, the pc (Laptop) goes to sleep, all black screen etc.

after returning the sound in the game is gone.

other sounds like videos and the sound test function still works. but no sound in the game.

the only thing that helps is quitting and restarting the game.

That should be tied into the game(s) in question utilizing specific outdated sound software, or utilizing their sound software in a clumsy manner. *As I recall* the process: PCs won't shut down if there's an active audio context connection; Depending on how a game and its associated sound software is configured, this can result in a game being set up to effectively lock out sleep mode (due to the resources remaining in use), being set to load in and out of sleep mode without issue, or being set to load into sleep mode but then fail to reattach to the associated hardware resources once returning from Sleep Mode. In that last case, given how the context'd need to be reeactivated, and that a context is enabled specific to a given game, this results in the game in question needing to be reloaded to reactivate the associated sound. [If I'm misrecollecting anything, and anyone happens to notice, do please note corrections.]

[ Simple version: Some games just aren't configured to operate well with Sleep mode, due to having their audio connections being configured in a way that will either block Sleep mode out or not reenable sound after returning from Sleep mode. ]

Regardless of the actual underlying functioning, I've personally also had that issue with specific games, with the effect occuring regardless of the device and software used, and with ready feedback from other online users indicating that it was also specific to that game for them as well. I wasn't ever able to find a fix for any of the affected games, ultimately just opting to disable sleep mode instead on my gaming-oriented computers. ( That said, if any of the other users here do end up giving you a fix that does manage to work, do give me a poke and let me know. :) )

I have SSD with operating system and operating program which I use daily - it's small 120GB disc - and two 1TB HDD where I saved full-day work. I use HDD two times per day but they are not going on a sleep mode automatically. Is there any possible to put HDD into sleep mode in "one-click" in windows 8.1?

There's a "near sleep" mode where the RAM is kept energized so that the operating system won't have to read the data from the hard drive or ssd and put it back in the ram when the computer waked from sleep. In this mode, the computer will use around 5 watts or so to keep the ram refreshed, and the cpu will also use a few watts to keep the memory controller inside to issue refresh commands to the ram.

Not wishing to wait for ten minutes or more each time I power up XP10, I tried pausing it 'mid-flight' and closing down the computer with the Windows 7 'sleep' mode. The computer shut itself down as usual, and re-awakened with a single key press in no more than two seconds. The flight continued thereafter with no problems whatsoever, and all graphics/settings/weather (photo-scenery etc.) were just as I'd left them.

I've since read that 'sleep' mode consumes no more than 4w of electricity! This would appear to be the ideal way to complete day-long 'flights' without having to save/re-load 'situations' or land at intermediate airports on the route.

I have a rather serious sleep/ restarts issue with my HP Ellitebook 8440p processor intel core i5. The issue does not seem to depend on the OS, windows and now with ubuntu 16.04. After entering the sleep mode, my laptop restarts about two seconds after sleeping. I've tried many things to solve it, but none of them did the job. At the first time there were no such problem. I have the 64 bit version of 16.04 installed. The behavior is independent from a power cable/usb device/ethernet cable being plugged in.I know there have been several treats concerning sleep/ restarts issues, but none of them provides an answer to my specific case. If you have an answer or even a clue on how to solve this issue, it will be highly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

If your computer is locked, that means that your computer is running but that you will be prompted for a password when you go to use it next. In this case, Steam will continue downloading your games as long as the computer is running, e.g. unless the computer falls asleep.

If you put your computer to sleep manually or if it falls asleep automatically after a while, that means that your computer's CPU and some other components more or less turn off. If your computer is asleep, all of your running programs are effectively paused in a suspended state, and Steam will definitely not download games.

Sleep mode has gone by various names, including Stand By, Suspend and Suspend to RAM. Machine state is held in RAM and, when placed in sleep mode, the computer cuts power to unneeded subsystems and places the RAM into a minimum power state, just sufficient to retain its data. Because of the large power saving, most laptops automatically enter this mode when the computer is running on batteries and the lid is closed. If undesired, the behavior can be altered in the operating system settings of the computer.

A computer must consume some energy while sleeping in order to power the RAM and to be able to respond to a wake-up event. A sleeping PC is on standby power, and this is covered by regulations in many countries, for example in the United States limiting such power under the One Watt Initiative, from 2010. In addition to a wake-up press of the power button, PCs can also respond to other wake cues, such as from keyboard, mouse, incoming telephone call on a modem, or local area network signal.

Sleep mode and hibernation can be combined: the contents of RAM are first copied to non-volatile storage like for regular hibernation, but then, instead of powering down, the computer enters sleep mode. This approach combines the benefits of sleep mode and hibernation: The machine can resume instantaneously, but it can also be powered down completely (e.g. due to loss of power) without loss of data, because it is already effectively in a state of hibernation. This mode is called "hybrid sleep" in Microsoft Windows other than Windows XP. 17dc91bb1f

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