Why were we there back to back?

Why were we there face to face?

I must be the light when you're in the dark

If you lose me somewhere, and your tears are in the air

I will ring a bell until you feel me by your side

Why were we there back to back?

Why were we there face to face?

I must be the light when you're in the dark

If I lose you somewhere, and I'm still hanging in there

I will ring a bell until you feel me by your side

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Porque estvamos ali costa a costa?

Why were we there back to back?

Porque estvamos ali cara a cara?

Why were we there face to face?

Eu devo ser a luz quando voc estiver no escuro

I must be the light when you're in the dark

Se voc me perder em algum lugar, e as suas lgrimas estiverem no ar

If you lose me somewhere, and your tears are in the air

Eu vou tocar um sino at voc me sentir ao seu lado

I will ring a bell until you feel me by your side

Porque estvamos ali costa a costa?

Why were we there back to back?

Porque estvamos ali cara a cara?

Why were we there face to face?

Eu devo ser a luz quando voc estiver no escuro

I must be the light when you're in the dark

Se eu te perder em algum lugar, e eu ainda estiver me segurando ali

If I lose you somewhere, and I'm still hanging in there

Eu vou tocar um sino at voc me sentir ao seu lado

I will ring a bell until you feel me by your side


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