From the O365 Portal you get what is called "click to run" - which installs via a streaming service. It basically streams the application down to you - and you can actually start using it before it's installed completely.

As you uncovered another versions is what is called MSI based - this is the traditional install method for windows applications. Here - you have to download the entire package and then install it before you can use office.

Free Download And Install Skype

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For anyone still searching for an answer on this, I found Microsoft have provided installers that worked for me in this situation (Windows 10, O365 version of Office 2016, click to run install error):

i am trying to install skype 32bit version, i also tried 64, but after clicking install, the button will change to installing, but after a few seconds it changes back to install.I have been doing research for hours, and i cannot install it even from the terminal.I tried every possible command i just keep getting error after error.

You can use skype online, via your web browser. But do not use Firefox, since it wants to install a plugin, which also only exists in 64 bit. You can use Chromium, which can be installed through Software. Go to I can not judge the quality of this solution.

Installing packages manually is not recommended. But I have been installing Skype package manually for a quite some time through the Ubuntu Package manager without any problem. Just make sure you check any warning shown by during the installation.

Recently, Skype has become very easy to get for Linux users. In fact, the package from the website works but the one in the repositories didn't for me (on Ubuntu 16.04). Just go to and download the Debian .deb file, which you can open directly by double-clicking the downloaded file in the folder, and it will install through the software centre. As of now it's still in Beta version.

First I was using snap to install skype, then apt-get install skypeforlinux, both installations when skype was running then, have shown irritating notification messages in the kind of "new update is available. Install latest version via your package manager, then restart skype". the apt update and upgrade did no help either.

Your business is using Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. With Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, you download and install Skype for Business at the same time you download and install Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. It's all installed as one package of software!

Or, your Microsoft 365 administrator hasn't assigned a license to you so you don't yet have the option to install Skype for Business. Contact the person who gave you your Microsoft 365 sign-in information and ask them to check that a license has been assigned to you.

If Skype for Business and the other Office apps aren't already installed on your computer, download and install Office using Microsoft 365. This way, you'll install Word, Excel, and Skype for Business all at the same time.

Nice post @linesma. The only thing I would add is:

To find flatpaks, go to

The flatpak web site

Select the app you want by scrolling through or using search.

Once the app is found, click on it and scroll to the bottom of the page and it will list the command to install it.

This article walks you through an example installation of Skype for Business Server. This article doesn't attempt to cover all of the procedures you need to perform a full Skype for Business Server installation. The goal is to provide example procedures in a narrowly defined topology that includes basic meet-and-share functionality.

An installation of Skype for Business Server includes many different procedures. The procedures you need to get Skype for Business Server running in your environment depend on the specifics of your environment. For example, if you're using Windows Server for DNS, you will benefit from the example procedure for adding a DNS entry. If you use another system for DNS, you need to follow procedures for your particular DNS system. This is true for many of the procedures in this section.

Skype for Business Server is an advanced product, and the exact installation process depends a great deal on your specific circumstances. This section walks you through the general steps to install the product. However, each procedure might be different depending on your environment and planning decisions. For example, for small organizations a single server, running Skype for Business Server Standard Edition might be appropriate, whereas a large multinational organization might have 50 servers at locations around the world dedicated to the product.

To learn about the latest Cumulative Updates, see Updates for Skype for Business Server. After installing the CU1 patch an administrator needs to execute the Update-CsAdminRole cmdlet. This cmdlet is required to access the new GCP cmdlets over Remote PowerShell.

The procedures in this section serve as an example using a narrowly defined set of requirements and assume specific decisions have already been made. The actual procedures you need to install Skype for Business Server will likely be very different. Use the procedures in this section as an example only and not as a step-by-step guide for installing Skype for Business Server in every environment.

Getting Skype for Business Server up and running for the first time involves eight primary steps. You should understand that the example procedures in this section aren't the only procedures required for installing Skype for Business Server. The following eight steps are simply examples to help you better understand the overall process and get a basic working environment up and running. You can do steps 1 through 5 in any order. However, you must do steps 6, 7, and 8 in order, and after steps 1 through 5, as outlined in the diagram. The eight steps are:

Install administrative tools in Skype for Business Server : The administrative tools include Topology Builder and Control Panel. You must install the administrative tools on at least one server in the topology or a 64-bit management workstation running a Windows OS version that is supported for Skype for Business Server.

Create and publish new topology in Skype for Business Server : Before you can install the Skype for Business Server system on each of the servers in the topology, you must create a topology and publish it. When you publish a topology, you're loading the topology information into the Central Management Store database. If this is an Enterprise Edition pool, you're creating the Central Management Store database the first time you publish a new topology. If this is Standard Edition, you need to run the Prepare First Standard Edition Server process from the Deployment Wizard before you publish a topology. This prepares for Standard Edition by installing a SQL Server Express Edition instance and creating the Central Management Store.

Install Skype for Business Server on servers in the topology : Once the topology is loaded into the Central Management Store and Active Directory knows which servers will perform which roles, you need to install the Skype for Business Server system on each of the servers in the topology.

Verify the topology in Skype for Business Server : After you have the topology published and the Skype for Business Server system components installed on each of the servers in the topology, you're ready to verify that the topology is working as expected. This includes verifying that the configuration has propagated out to all of the Active Directory servers so that the entire domain knows that Skype for Business is available in the domain.

I wasn't lucky with all of the Google help so I came here. I installed the latest version of Skype on my Kali 2020 with sudo dpkg -i skypeforlinux-64.deb, and it all went correctly and installed with no errors whatsoever. However, no matter how many times I press the Skype icon, it launches (just the loading bar) and then it disappears. Does somebody have any assumptions of what is wrong with my Skype? I would really appreciate help. Thank You anyway.

Long ago when I originally setup Office 365 I didn't think Skype for Business was something we'd be using. Of course, now they want to have it. In the old Admin center there was a setting where you determined what software could be installed. I turned off Skype for Business. Now when I try to install it I get:

"As an Office 365 admin, you can control which Office software your users can download and install from Office 365. The choices you make on the Manage user software through Office 365 page determine which software users can install from the Software page in Office 365. Whichever choices you make, they apply to all users in your organization."

The service is available, however I had turned off their ability to install software. This was possible under the old Admin Center, but in the new one I don't see that setting. I was able to correct this by going back to the old Admin Center and turning it back on. Hopefully this setting will be made available in the new center soon. I sent feedback to Microsoft on this.

Just bumped into this issue. To get right into the point, the Old Admin Center is now retired, so to enable the feature, you must go to the New Admin Portal -> Settings -> Office software download settings. There you can enable the installers for the different products.

To download the .exe for distributinon, switch your console from the admin account to your own MS account (click avatar in upper right, select My Account) then click Settings->Software (install software)->click Skype for Business and choose Version and click Install to download the .exe.

Snapd is only needed if, for instance you wish to subsequently install the Skype snap package. Snapd is a Ubuntu creation but not used much in Arch. Flatpak, on the other hand, will also have (or should) a Skype flatpak. 0852c4b9a8

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