
My research interest lies in low dimensional topology, contact geometry and knot theory. Specifically, I think about classification and structure problems of Legendrian and transverse knots. Legendrian  and transverse knots are special objects that lie in the intersection of knot theory and contact topology.   

Here are some areas I like to explore-

Preprints /Publications

4. Contact surgery numbers of Sigma(2,3,11) and L(4m+3,4) (joint with Kegel)

preprint  arXiv:2404.18177  (submitted)

3. Existence and construction of non-loose knots (joint with Etnyre, Min and Mukherjee).

preprint  arXiv:2310.04908  (submitted)

2. Transverse links, open books and overtwisted manifolds .  

preprint arXiv:2108.07764 

New York J. Math. 29 (2023), 213-230

preprint arXiv: 2011.12217

Expo. Math 40 (2022), 231-248.

Papers in preparation