Rima Chatterjee

Photo credit: Soham Chanda

I am a postdoctoral researcher at University of Cologne  associated to SYMPLECTIC STRUCTURES IN GEOMETRY, ALGEBRA AND DYNAMICS. My mentor is Hansjoerg Geiges
I graduated from Louisiana State University in May 2021 under the supervision of Shea Vela-Vick
I am interested in low dimensional topology, contact geometry and knot theory.  Specifically, my work addresses the classification and structure problems of Legendrian and transverse knots and links.  I also like to study the connection  between contact geometry and Heegaard Floer theory. For more information, please check my Research page.  Here is a copy of my CV.
  • This semester I am running a seminar on introductory knot theory. Here is the seminar webpage.
  • I will be speaking at the braids reunion workshop at ICERM in July, 2024.
  • In Spring 2025, I will join the department of mathematics at Ohio State University as a visiting assistant professor.