Session 4

C H A P T E R 6


  • Establish a community of practice that strives for increased rigor and relevance in our classrooms and schools.

  • Engage in Courageous Conversations around race and equity with fellow practitioners.

  • Deepen our understanding of learning and teaching through the lens of culturally responsive teaching practices.


  • Read Chapter 6 of Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain

  • Read through Courageous Conversation and React, Reflect, Rethink (below) to think about where you may want to go deeper


  • Welcome and Level Setting

  • Listening & Learning

  • Courageous Conversation

  • Food for Thought

  • Cultural Competence Independent Study, Closing, and Appreciations

Courageous Conversation
Becoming a Warm Demander

  • Of the four types of teacher (pg 99), what type are you? When you are under pressure or tired, what type are you?

  • When have you reinforced learned helplessness? You’re not alone, but what implicit biases present themselves in that action?

  • What are ways that you can center the warm demander in your teaching practice? What are key practices you can implement?

React | Reflect | Rethink
Why Marginalized Dependent Learners Need an Ally:
How does your understanding of allyship for marginalized dependent learners (89-91) change your practices as a teacher or leader given the importance of helping dependent learners move to independent learners?

Categories of Hope (93):
How does your understanding of building trust (77-81) and the categories of hope (93) change your practice as a teacher or leader, especially in regards to being a warm demander?

Creating the Pact (95-96):
How does your understanding of "the pact" change your practice as a teacher or leader?

Fall 2022 Session Materials

Fall 2022 | 22-23 RRP CoP | Book Study | Session 4
RRP Fall Book Club Session #4.mp4

Summer 2022 Session Materials

22-23 RRP CoP | Book Study | Session 4
RRP Aug 3, 2022 Book Club Session 4 (Ch 6).mp4