Session 3

C H A P T E R 5


  • Establish a community of practice that strives for increased rigor and relevance in our classrooms and schools.

  • Engage in Courageous Conversations around race and equity with fellow practitioners.

  • Deepen our understanding of learning and teaching through the lens of culturally responsive teaching practices.


  • Read Chapter 5 of Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain

  • Read through React | Reflect | Rethink and Food for Thought (below) to think about where you may want to go deeper

  • Continue your journey to grow your cultural competence this summer by exploring GOAL 2: Begin with an Intention’ of the Cultural Competence Independent Study.

The Cultural Competence Independent Study is a personal journey. Please take the time you need to move through each goal.


  • Welcome and Level Setting

  • Listening and Learning

  • React | Reflect | Rethink

  • Food for Thought

  • Cultural Competence Independent Study, Closing, and Appreciations

React | Reflect | Rethink
The Learning Partnership:
How does your understanding of the learning partnership (75) change your practices as a teacher or leader given the importance of helping dependent learners move to independent learners?

Building Trust:
How does your understanding of building trust (77-81) change your practice as a teacher or leader, especially in regards to using "Trust Generators" to build rapport with students?

Assessing the State of Rapport in the Classroom:
Looking at the examples for tracking and assessing rapport interaction (81-86), how are you thinking about changing your practice as a teacher or leader to improve rapport?

Food for Thought
The Limit of Relationships
Misconception #3: Culturally Responsive Teaching is all about building relationships and self-esteem.

“There’s a big effort afoot in terms of social emotional learning programs, trying to help student gain self regulation and build positive relationships with students … Here’s what the schools are finding that do surveys: After a few years of this kind of work, their positive climate has gone up, satisfaction surveys among adults as well as kids are really high, but the achievement doesn’t move.” - Zaretta Hammond

"So the trusting relationship is just one part, and not the part. It is the on-ramp. to the kind of cognitive high-level problem-solving and higher-order thinking we want student to do. I see a lot of people just doing the relationship piece.” - Zaretta Hammond

When you hear of Zaretta Hammond’s warning of “just doing the relationship piece”, how does that make you think about your practice? Where do you need to evolve?

Fall 2022 Session Materials

Fall 2022 | 22-23 RRP CoP | Book Study | Session 3
RRP Fall Book Club Session 3.mp4

Summer 2022 Session Materials

22-23 RRP CoP | Book Study | Session 3
RRP July 27, 2022 Book Club Session #3.mp4