Session 1

C H A P T E R S 1 - 2


  • Establish a community of practice that strives for increased rigor and relevance in our classrooms and schools.

  • Engage in Courageous Conversations around race and equity with fellow practitioners.

  • Deepen our understanding of learning and teaching through the lens of culturally responsive teaching practices.


  • Read Chapters 1-2 of Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain (pp. 12-35)

  • Read Springpoint's The Core Elements of a Strong Learning Experience to establish a shared frame of reference for rigor and purpose.

  • Optional

    • Read through React | Reflect | Rethink and Courageous Conversation (below) to think about where you may want to go deeper

    • Review the Cultural Competence Independent Study and set an intention for growing your cultural competence this summer.


  • Welcome and Level Setting

  • Culturally Responsive Teaching Engagement

  • Courageous Conversation

  • React | Reflect | Rethink

  • I Used to Think … Now I Think Open Discussion

  • Cultural Competence Independent Study, Closing, and Appreciations

Courageous Conversation
How does your understanding of the sociopolitical context (28) and the development of the “intellectual apartheid in schools” change your practices as a teacher or leader given the need to address our own implicit bias and recognize structural racialization?

React | Reflect | Rethink
Dependent vs. Independent Learners
How should your understanding of dependent and independent learners change your practice as a teacher or a leader given the need to create more rigorous classrooms? Where are you already meeting the bar? Where do you know you need to push yourself? What further support do you know that you need? (slide 23)

Individualism vs. Collectivism

How does your understanding of individualist and collectivist cultures (25-28) change your practice as a teacher or leader given the need to support growth of independent learners in classrooms? (slide 24)

Culture of Poverty
How does your understanding that the "culture of poverty" does not exist (31-33) change your practice as a teacher or leader given the need to support growth of independent learners in classrooms? (slide 25)

Fall 2022 Session Materials

Sept 20 RRP Fall Book Study.mp4

Summer 2022 Session Materials