Linda Hartman

"Impression in Oosterpark"

Acrylic paint on A1 Poster


On display at Rascasse, Eerste Oosterparkstraat 76, 1091 HA Amsterdam.

Parks are magical places!

My name is Linda Hartman and I'm an artist, painter, teacher and illustrator.

During Corona crisis I have been walking a lot with my dog in the parks of Amsterdam.

For those who could not go outside , I want them to have their favorite park on the wall.

Everybody has memories …..a walk with a friend in a park, children's birthday, a kiss…..

I paint them from above so you can walk with your eyes through the park.

Parks are magical places!

I still have to make a lot of parks…till now i finished 10 parks….you can check them out on my

instagram @lindahartman_ or contact me by mail :

It is great fun making the parks.

Thank you Fleur from Ride to Art, Cathelijne from See you at art and Fonds Voor Oost, to support

this project.