Jonathan Schuit
"Life on Mars"
50x60cm - acrylic on canvasboard, 2020 -
390€ (unframed)
On display at: Licht en meubels - Javastraat 133-141, 1094 HE Amsterdam
In these Corona-times we've experienced our first ‘intelligent’ lockdown when most consumption and busy lifestyle came to a halt. There are people who enjoyed the time-out, which gave them time to get back to basics. And there are people who were pushed to their edges till they could hardly take it anymore. Not to mention people and their close friends and relatives, who were directly affected by the Coronavirus.
I was intrigued by how differently people reacted to this new situation - and how hard it is and will be to find a common ground to be able to fight this virus and its effects on the economy, politics, enivornment etc. .... in the most effective way.
The renewed aspirations to explore Space and reach out to the Stars felt a bit weird to me. It almost symbolizes a way of fleeing a situation in which we’re all together right now.... instead of looking around to see what's at stake that can be done here.
Let's first preserve and repair the beauty that directly surrounds us...
Contact info:
tel: 0625035960