Pre-existing Equipment to Measure loading conditions

We created a chart pertaining to the possible technologies to quantify different loading conditions that would be measurable.

From the information gathered from literature and from our discussions with Dr. Bazrgari, whom conducts research in UK’s Biomechanics and Musculoskeletal Lab in the BME department, we find that our interest lies in accelerometers and EMG sensors. The EMG would be able to better show loading conditions on the spinal column through the musculature changes and fatigue. This gives us an idea of what the spinal column is undergoing while riding at the level of tissues. On a more broad level, we can correlate the EMG results with the dynamics captured by accelerometers showing the accelerations experienced by that body group while riding. We are also looking into a pressure sensing pad for underneath the rider to capture the duration of loading. This combination of technology will allow us to capture and explain loading conditions that occur while riding.

Some concerns have been raised within the team about the potential costs for some of these technologies, but we are continuing our research into these options.

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