Ellen Persson Mansson


Ellen Persson Mansson was born Sep 5, 1850 in Viggarum, Sweden to Pehr Mansson and Hannah Månsdotter.


Ellen was born a few days after her father committed suicide. The Mansson family moved to Ellen's maternal parents home soon after and Ellen was raised partially by her grandparents while her mother worked in Copenhagen, Denmark.

When Ellen was about 11, the Mansson family started their journey to live with the Saints in Utah. They bordered the Humbolt and sailed to New York City, New York. When they reached Florence, Nebraska, they joined the John R. Murdock Co. They arrived in the Salt Lake Valley on Sep 28, 1862. They settled in Richmond soon after their arrival.

Ellen Persson Mansson married Christian Hans Monson on March 16, 1867 in Salt Lake City, Utah. 


Ellen Persson Mansson died April 11, 1924 in Preston, Idaho. She was buried in the Richmond Cemetery.

Ellen Parsson Mansson and her son Parley Herman Monson

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Ellen Persson Mansson and Christian Hans Monson

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Ellen Persson Mansson in her later years.

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Author Unknown. (Year made Unknown) Ellen Persson Mansson: A Brief History for Children, Uploaded to FamilySearch.org by ChristyMonson1, Sep 24, 2017. https://www.familysearch.org/memories/memory/41672752?cid=mem_copy