Ann Hill


Ann Hill was born Feb 25, 1840 in Stockport, England to James Bennet and Elizabeth Smith Hill.


At a young age, Ann worked in a factory waving cloth. Her daughter Elizabeth writes the following about her mother,

"She had to walk one and one half miles to work, and be there at 6:00 AM... I have heard Mother say that it worked on her nerves until she could not sleep at night like a child of that age should, and for that reason, children of that time seemed older than they really were. The small wage they received was something like 3 or 4 cents per day."

Ann learned to read during her Sudnay School classes, not being able to have a formal education. 

The Hill family joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints while Ann was young. Her father left the family in 1862 to the United States to prepare the rest of the family to move. The remaining family emigrated to the United States on June 29, 1868 on the Minnesota

While coming west, she met William Frain Dobson in the Captain Chester Loveland's Company William was one of the teamsters in the company. They traveled on July 25, 1868 and arrived in the Salt Lake Valley on Aug 20. William and Ann were married in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City, Utah on Dec 28, 1868. Soon after, they moved to Richmond were Williams father and brother where.

The Dobson family raised their seven children in Richmond, five living to adulthood. In 1913, their son John Moroni Dobson was killed in a horse stampede. Two years later, his wife Rhoda Christa Peart died, leaving four children to care for. William and Ann did their best to help raise their grandchildren.


After the death of William in 1918, Ann continued to live in Richmond among her children. On June 15, 1929, she had a serious accident that made her bed bound. Ann Hill died Feb 2, 1931 in Richmond. She was buried in the Richmond Cemetery.

William and Ann Hill Dobson family.

(Colorized) Source

Last surviving Pioneers of Richmond, about 1910. 

Source. Original from Images of America: Richmond.


Author Unknown. (Year made Unknown) Life History of Ann Hill Dobson, Uploaded to by Alison T. Robinson, Spril 12, 2021.