Mathew Thomas Bell


Mathew Thomas Bell was born Oct 6, 1861 in Richmond to Matthew Francis and Jane Metcalfe Bell.


Early life in Richmond consisted of work and a small education. At the age of 16, Matthew began working for the Idaho and Oregon railroad to help build a home for his parents. He worked for about eight years and donated about $1,600 to his parents.

Matthew married Mary Sophia Johnson March 10, 1886 in the Logan, Utah Temple. Matthew continued to work for the railroad until 1888 when he purchased a farm on the southeast part of Richmond. Matthew also worked on land he purchased in Lewiston, Utah, restoring the soil, and selling the land for a profet.


Mathew Thomas Bell died April 7, 1937 in Richmond. He was buried in the Richmond Cemetery.

"The Bell's on a 1918 trip to Teton Valley to visit Alice Pool Knight and her family." 
