Robert Thomas Petty


Robert Thomas Petty was born Sep 22, 1842 to Robert and Margaret Petty. After the passing of his father in 1856, Robert and most of his family moved to Richmond to settle. 

Robert married Julia Wright in January, 1864 in Salt Lake City by Church Apostle Wilford Woodruff. They were allotted 20 acres of land at the first of their marriage, but later acquired about 80 acres.1

In 1863, Gen. Patrick E. Connor payed Robert five dollars to locate where the Native Americans were living in the Valley. This would later lead to the Bear River Massacre.1

Some time in 1882, A Mrs. Fisher left Richmond to help settle in Idaho. Robert and Julia were entrusted with the Richmond Hotel.2

Robert Thomas died Aug 23, 1904 in Richmond and was buried in the Richmond City Cemetery.


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