Justin Shepard


Justin Shepard was born Jan 4, 1831 in Denmark, New York to Isaac and Sarah Shepard. Justin served as a member of the Seventy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Justin is one of the first settlers of Richmond in 1859.

Early Life

At a young age, Justin journeyed with his family across plains and rivers to meet with the other Saints in Utah. While on their journey, Sarah Shepard passed died in 1847. They pressed on and entered Salt Lake City, Utah in 1848. The family moved to Farmington, Utah, staying there for ten years.1

In 1854, Justin was called to Sanpete County, Utah to assist in defending settlers against Native Americans.1

On May 1, 1855, Justin married Eliza Maria Allred in Farmington, Utah. 

Life in Richmond

Justin originally moved to Richmond to bail wild hay. While there, he built a home in the "Old Fort." Because his home was the only one with a wood floor, dances and social events were held regularly in their home. 

While in Richmond, he was one of the city's Minute Men to defend it in times of attacks. He had a fine horse with a saddle, and always carried a pistol with him at all times. He was also an advocate to help the sick and afflicted.1

Justin was a mountain man. He helped many times to bring wood to the settlement of Richmond, used traps to get food and fur, and hunted bears to keep settlers safe.1

Religious Duties

On March 18, 1855, Justin Shepard was ordained a member of the Quorum of the Seventy for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by John W. Hess. Later, he was ordained a High Priest on April 28, 1895.1


Justin Shepard died on May 10, 1909 in Richmond and was laid to rest in the Richmond City Cemetery.
