

Game Theory . Graduate course for 1st year of master students of the Departement of Engeneering of University of Padova (Padua).

Advanced Microeconomics . Graduate course for 1st year of master students of the Departement of Economics of University of Padova (Padua). Course contents include: Consumer Theory, Production Theory, General Equilibrium, Market Structures, Game Theory and Applications.

Economics and Business. Undergraduate course for 1st year International Business students at Maastricht University. Course contents include introduction to Consumer Theory, Producer Theory, Monopoly, Oligopoly, General Equilibrium.

Microeconomics: Choices, Markets and Welfare. Undergraduate course for 2nd year Economics students at Maastricht University. Intermediate Microeconomics and Game theory. Course contents include: Choice Under Uncerainty, Nash Equilibrium and refinements, Oligopoly, Bargaining, Auctions, General Equilibrium.

Public Economics. Undergraduate course for 3nd year Economics students at Maastricht University. Intermediate Public Economics and Social Choice Theory. Course contents include: General Equilibrium, Externalities, Common Goods, Taxation, Voting, Contests.

Economy Game. Undergraduate course for 1st year Economics students at Maastricht University. Course has an experimental module and a problem-solving module aimed at familiarizing students with the methodology of experimental economics.

Sociology of Economics . Graduate course for 1st year Sociology students at St. Thomas University (Rome). Course contents include: Introduction to Sociology of Economics, Economic Behaviour and Markets, Common Goods, Sustainable Development, Business Ethics.

Here you can download my teaching evaluations:

teaching evaluation.pdf

During my PhD, I had the opportunity to work as a tutor for courses Experimental Economics, Microeconomics, Public Economics. After an initial period of adaptation to a new teaching system, I now enjoy to teach and my students also seem to appreciate my enthusiasm of setting goals and sharing knowledge. For the future, I would like to teach courses in Microeconomics, Game Theory and Behavioral Economics.

Some of the comments that i found in the open-ended questions details of the courses:

"My tutor, Ricardo, was a delight to have for a tutor. He was clearly prepared and also was very enthusiastic about the materials."

"Riccardo my tutor was amazing, really enthusiastic and very helpful. "