Santa Letters

Letters from Santa!

The Friends have a direct connection to You-Know-Who at the North Pole! For a $5 donation, the Friends will relay a letter (see a sample letter below) from the North Pole to your child! (or grandchild, or neighbor...) Letters will be delivered via USPS before December 25.

Just fill out the form below and complete your donations via PayPal or Venmo

Form and donation MUST be received by midnight SATURDAY, DEC 16, 2023! No late orders because it takes some time for the mail to arrive from the North Pole!

Step 1: 

Use PayPal or Venmo to make your $5.00 donation for each letter. You may pay for more than one letter in a single payment.

Step 2: 

Fill out the form below once for each letter requested.

Sample letter:

Dear (child’s name),

The elves and I are nearly finished with building all the toys for this year. Everyone has been really busy. I always enjoy coming to (child’s town) on Christmas Eve. There are so many good boys and girls who live near there. Mrs. Claus told me this morning that you (child’s accomplishment). That is great news. I am sure your family is as proud of you as I am. According to my book, you and (child’s friend or sibling) are on the nice list. This year there are only a few children on the naughty list and none of them live near you.

As long as you continue to be good, there is a good chance I will be bringing you (child’s requested gift). My friend, (adult who would have talked to Santa), told me that you have been very good all year. That is always nice to hear. I told Mrs. Claus and she wants me to tell you to keep up the good work.

Please wish the rest of your family a Merry Christmas for me, since you will all be asleep that night. I have to go now to put the reindeer to bed. They need as much rest as they can get between now and the big night.

Merry Christmas,
