You can no longer use the loophole to get multiple 90 day evaluation periods. That door has been closed, sorry. If you have never downloaded a V7 evaluation key and are still getting the message, contact via e-mail.

This is the one-time evaluation version. Saving and plug-ins stop working 90 days after you download, unless you purchase. 

(After 90 days, it will still work great to learn Rhino and to view Rhino and many other file formats.)

Rhino 7 Evaluation Download

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Your one free 90-day evaluation expired on 5 November.

I see you have attempted to get another using 3 different email addresses.

That loophole was recently blocked.

It seems that the Honor System is not good enough to keep people honest.

Thank you for the info! I will check with my school if they offer the Cloud Zoo! Before covid we used to have rhino5 and 6 on the computers in the labs however since everything moved online our profs started telling us to download and re-download the trial version. I think they were under the impression that McNeel had this feature available for the students to compete with Revit.

There is a generous 90-day evaluation license available for both Rhino 8 for Windows and Rhino 8 for Mac. These are full version trial Rhino licenses, free to download and use, and they work for 90-days.

We hope you find your Rhino evaluation period useful, if you have any questions regarding working with Rhino then we're always happy to help, there is lots of support options for Rhino, you can read about those on our Rhino Support page.

I am a student wanting to use Rhino and Grasshopper from a Mac. I've downloaded Rhino 5 onto my mac, Rhino 4 evaluation version (is there a version 5 for pc?), and grasshopper plugin and have received the following error message when typing grasshopper into the command line. I am using parallels, and trying to do this through the evaluation version.

When I type in my licence key it says that it is not valid or it has been disabled. But I have just downloaded the rhino 7 evaluation, and in the confirmation email in which there is the licence key, it says that it is valid until 29th of January 2022. Why does it not work? It does not work at all. Please I need help

The endoscopic transnasal route for the surgical removal of tumors in the sellar region is frequently associated with nasal complications such as synechiae or impaired nasal breathing. In this study, we investigated the impact of septal splints on avoiding surgery-related co-morbidities. 49 patients in whom endoscopic transnasal, transsphenoidal surgery for sellar tumors was performed between 2012 and 2014 were studied. In 30 of these, nasal septal splints were applied at the end of surgery to both sides of the septum and left in situ for 10 days (group 1), 19 patients received no splints (group 2). A standardized postsurgical follow-up investigation with endoscopic nasal examination, rhinomanometry and olfactory testing was performed on average 2 months postoperatively. Patients' subjective nose-related discomfort at follow-up was assessed descriptively using a set of standardized self-rating statements on nasal problems. Synechias occurred less likely with nasal septal splints (n = 15; 50 %) than without (n = 16; 84.2 %). Moreover, multiple synechiae were predominantly observed in the group without septal splints (n = 10 vs. n = 2). Rhinomanometry showed improved flow-V150-inspiration scores when splints were used (with significant differences between groups for the left nostril: p = 0.039 and p = 0.022, resp.). In accordance, impaired nasal breathing after surgery was reported more frequently by 76.9 % of patients without splints, but only 56 % of patients with splints. Our results provide support for the application of nasal septal splints when operating endoscopically on tumors in the sellar region to reduce postoperative synechias and to improve nasal breathing.

I am having a problem with the license key process, i enter the key that i get it brings me to the rhino page and then says i need to input license key and then it never loads. Would love to figure this out as i am using rhino for a school project that needs to get done.

As most rhino species and subspecies face impairment of natural reproduction and are threatened with extinction, new approaches to their conservation are required. A most promising new approach is the application of advanced assisted reproduction technologies (aART) such as ovum pick-up (OPU) -- the retrieval of immature egg cells (oocytes) from ovaries -- and in-vitro fertilisation (IVF). These technologies enable the creation of embryos in the lab that can later be transferred into surrogate mothers to carry gestation to term.

The application of aART is the only option to create offspring for the northern white rhinoceros, a subspecies with only two individuals known to be alive -- two females that cannot become pregnant anymore to carry out their own embryos. The BioRescue project, led by the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW), develops and pioneers these technologies to enhance the breeding success of southern white rhinos in human care and to save the northern white rhino from extinction. The consortium takes animal safety and welfare, quality control and ethical risk assessment seriously and constantly evaluates its new scientific and veterinary procedures.

BioRescue has performed 65 aART procedures from 2015 to 2022 and now published an evaluation of these data in the scientific journal "Reproduction." The team of authors around Prof Thomas Hildebrandt, Dr Frank Gritz, Dr Susanne Holtze (from the Leibniz-IZW), Dr Silvia Colleoni and Prof Cesare Galli (from Avantea srl.) analysed animal health and health effects of the procedures, age and seasonality, subspecies and origins of individuals, hormonal status and cyclicity as well as the effects of the stimulation protocol in relation to OPU and IVF success rates with 20 southern and two northern white rhino females. Their most important findings are:

BioRescue emphasises how important it is to put these newly developed technologies into practice without delay, whilst at the same time to learn from the results of these analyses and improve the procedures. The regular evaluation and ethical risk assessment will continue to be a pivotal element of the BioRescue mission on the edge of what is technologically possible in conservation. The successful generation of the embryos -- in particular the northern white rhino embryos -- underlines the importance of the technology and its potential to address one of the most pressing global problems of our time, the dramatic loss of biodiversity. This decline causes an incalculable disturbance of crucial ecosystem services while simultaneously fostering the emergence of novel pathogens, which undermines the basis of our very existence.

The methodologies for assessment of habitat suitability condition for rhino in Orang NP was consisted of extensive survey and direct monitoring of rhino, habitat assessment of the park through IRS P6 LISS III satellite imagery of 2008, relationship between rhino presence and habitat parameters, and preparation of suitability model using GIS tool based upon habitat parameters.

A year-long field survey was conducted in Orang NP from September 2008 to September 2009 to understand the habitat utilization pattern of rhino in different seasons. GPS locations of the direct evidences like sighting and indirect evidences like dung piles, foot print, and wallowing sign of rhino was taken and plotted over the boundary layer of the park, which was digitized from the map available with the State Forest Department of Assam using Arc GIS 9.3 software. Throughout the different seasons of the year, rhino was sighted in 183 times in the park.

Based upon the coefficient of correlation analysis habitat suitability for rhino in the park was categorized in to three categories namely most suitable, moderately suitable, and less suitable. Table 1 shows the habitat suitability classes and their respective parameters.

Based upon the parameters mention in Table 1 a habitat suitability model for rhino was generated in Arc GIS 9.3 environment. A new tool box in arc tool box was generated under which a model for rhino habitat suitability was designed. The habitat parameters for rhino were placed in the model and spatial analysis tools, namely, select, buffer, erase, union, and intersect were used to get the final habitat suitability map of Orang NP showing the most suitable, moderately suitable, and less suitable habitats for rhino in the park. Figure 2 shows the habitat suitability model designed in Arc GIS 9.3 environment.

Out of total 183 rhinos sighted in all the seasons of the park, 109 (59.56%) rhinos were found in wet alluvial grassland habitat, 45 (24.59%) rhinos were found in dry savannah grassland habitat and rest 29 (15.84%) rhinos were found in woodlands and wetland habitats. The coefficient of correlation shows a positive correlation between rhino sighting and wet alluvial grassland (?=0.582). This indicates that rhino prefers wet alluvial grassland more than dry savannah grassland, woodland, and wetland habitats in the park. Thus in selection of habitat suitability parameters, areas with wet alluvial grassland were considered as most suitable for rhino. Figure 4 shows the relationship.

The correlation coefficient between rhino distribution and road network shows a positive relationship between distance from road and rhino sighting (?=0.9). It indicates that with the increase of distance from the road the number of rhino sighting has also increased. Figure 5 shows the trend of relationship.

During the field survey period it was observed that out of total rhino sighted, 129 (70.49%) rhinos were present within 50 meter elevation in Orang NP. Total 41 (22.40%) rhinos were found in more than 50 meter height but less than 60 meter height and rest 7 (3.82%) rhinos were found in more than 60 meter elevation zone. Figure 7 shows the graphical representation of height range and rhino sighting. In the selection of habitat parameters in suitability modeling for rhino, areas less than 50 meter elevation were considered as most suitable for rhino. e24fc04721

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