Kai Isao

About Kai

Birthday: January 3, 2004

Religion: N/A

Languages: Japanese, JSL, and Korean


On a cold winter night, she was rushed to the hospital. Jamie Isao speeding in his cruiser, lights and sirens blazing. His wife had gone into early labor. It was a week before the due date, but was not unwelcomed. Through all her pain, Amelia Isao did not regret her decision. She could not wait to bring this child into the world. Her and her husband had been wanting a child for years, but now it was coming true. The couple made it safely to the hospital and got admitted into their room. The doctors quickly got everything ready for her. All they had left was a 23 hour labor.

After the dreadfully long labor, she had given birth to a beautiful little boy. With hair like his mother and skin complexion like his father. It was only when he opened his big, beautiful eyes, that his parents noticed how special their boy was. His eyes were two separate colors, having one from each parent. His mother's warm amber eyes and his fathers elegant purple. The parents cried in joy for how beautiful their baby boy was. The had decided on the name Kai long before even conceiving him, but the name suited the boy perfectly.

They remained in the hospital for two days before being let out. They went to their nice rural home, in Kinerma Russia. Their baby was healthy and the couple was happy. His mother was on maternity for the twenty weeks after the birth. All her coworkers wanted to see the baby, so she invited them all over, as did her husband. Amelia was a firefighter, and Jamie was a police officer. The two knew everyone in town and were loved in their community. The boy was fawned over by everyone who saw him.

He was a very advanced baby, crawling a bit after he was 6 months old. He would be a menace to his parents and nanny. His nanny was a lovely old lady name Eleanor Suzuki. She was a retired woman who lived next door, who absolutely loved children. She had 3 children who had their own lives and 4 grandchildren she loved. They rarely came over though, mostly due to school, so she appreciated being able to watch Kai.

Kai Isao was born in Kinerma, Russia and lived there for 16 years. He learned Russian as his first language, as that was where he and his parents lived. He would learn how to speak the language as any child his age would. His parents would say words to the baby, then repeated them, over and over. Kai as a baby would imitate the sounds his parents told him. His parents were very involved in his life, and his nanny would also help him learn the language. After the 20 week maternity leave, his mother would return to her firefighting job. This was where the nanny came in. She would speak to the baby all day long, play music for the baby to learn the language, and read to him. She would be his primary caregiver, both parents being first responders and busy most of the time. This lady would take Kai with her to garden the plants, telling him all the kinds of plants and gardening tools. She would tell the baby all of these words, just expanding his brain. By time he was 3, he was already reading books on his own. Of course, he wasn't all that good at reading, but he was putting in a lot of effort. Seeing this, his parents got him a tutor to teach him more, seeing as their child was very curious. This tutor would teach the boy the alphabet, basic numbers from 1-100, and how to read! The boy loved learning, and took in all this new information. By time he went into pre-school, he was already more advanced than all of his peers. His favorite pastime was writing down words he learned in a journal, then trying to make new sentences using them. He would end up going through so many notebooks that his parents had to get a bookshelf just for his journals. Of course, this was because the boy wrote extremely large, taking up two or three lines, but as he grew older, these words began to get neater and sentences more legible. He had taken a liking to reading and writing, as well as the history of his culture.