Jin Hino Kuroki

About Jin

Birthday: October 31, 1991
Languages: Japanese, JSL, and


Jin was born on October 31, 1991 in Yoshino, Japan. He was born into the Kuroki family, a kind and popular family. His mother, Miyuki Kuroki was a kind, loving woman. His Father, Yaku Kuroki, was a stern figure in his life, ensuring the family had authority. Despite being strict, he was still an amazing man, and an even better father. His brother, Dai Kuroki, was a kind brother to him. Dai was 8 years older than Jin. At least, for the first years of his life. The boys grew up close, the best of friends, practically inseparable. Jin would learn a lot from his brother, believing he was the best role model.

The boys would take weekly hikes, adventuring the Japanese countryside they grew up in. Jin would also take up gardening, cooking, and cleaning with his mother. He truly enjoyed spending time with his mother, while his brother would learn from their father about their family business. Dai would give his father genuine ideas, which made the business grow exponentially. The family was finally able to move out of their rural home and into the suburbs, close to the major city. This city was Osaka, Japan.

Moving close to the city, the boys had access to better schooling. Jin, being 6 at the time, would be attending elementary school. In these classes, he would meet his best friend, Oosaka. Oosaka was a timid kid, but had the most beautiful yellow eyes. Jin, being the charming kid he was, would speak to this child, claiming that the sun had fallen and gotten stuck in the boy's eyes. They quickly became friends after that. Jin would introduce his friend to his family, who all loved him. When Oosaka met Dai, the three of them quickly got closer and continued their weekly adventures together.

Jin would question Oosaka, wondering his true origin. The boy would tell Jin that he was mostly Russian, with only one grandparent being Japanese. He would be eight years old when he asked Oosaka to teach him Russian. Oosaka would be real excited to teach his friend how to speak his native language. After school, the boys would make their way to the playground and sat on the swing sets, side by side. There, Oosaka would hand Jin a stack of flashcards, each with a word in Russian, its pronunciation, and its translation. Jin would appreciate the effort Oosaka put into teaching him, making fun games to go along with learning the language. This is when he learned that this was exactly how his friend learned how to speak Japanese. Jin swore to only speak Russian to Oosaka after learning the language. This attempt failed, due to Jin not knowing enough of the language.

It would take the boy two full years before he learned fluent Russian. He was very excited to speak this new language, knowing it would open many doors for him in the future, even at such a young age. Jin would also know this was only thanks to his best friend's support and constant help. The boys would now have their own language they could speak to each other in. Russian became the language of their secret code.

This life took a turn all when Jin turned 9. The day would seem like every other peaceful day. But that night, the family would remember. Their home was broken into by an armed robber. This man would take the boy's mother hostage, holding her at gun point. He threatened their father to hand him all the money in the safe, then fired warning shots beside their mother's ear. The father, without a second thought, opened the safe and handed over the money, really wanting his wife to be safe. The robber left afterwards, without a trace.

The family rushed Miyuki to the hospital. There, they were told her eardrums had ruptured, causing severe to permanent hearing loss. The family took a major hit. His father would immediately book JSL classes for the family, wanting to make sure his wife would still be included in family life. Jin was excited to take the class, but Dai on the other hand wasn't too happy about losing his weekends. He did not even live at home anymore, but had to participate.

Something switched within his brother. Something rotten happened to him, where he became a whole new person. He had been staying the week, but when the robber had shown up, his face was blank. He had no emotion when his mother was held at gun point. Dai had experienced something that night that changed him from the kind, loving brother, to some sort of sick monster.

One night, after JSL lessons, Jin tried to speak to Dai in JSL. Dai told him to stop, but his younger brother did not listen. That night, Dai took a knife and carved a scar across his little brother's nose and down across his eye brow. He laughed, seeing his brother in pain. Jin would keep how he got the cuts to himself, in fear of retaliation from his older, much larger brother.

The boys would still go on weekly adventures, even after what happened. On one of these adventures, they would run into this beautiful girl, with pre-Raphaelite red hair and emerald green eyes. Her voice was angelic, as the boys stood frozen after hearing her gentle voice singing. Staring up at the tree she was sitting in, the boys stood bewildered by the girl. She was… absolutely beautiful… breathtaking. Jin, being the most outgoing of the three, would blurt out “WANT TO JOIN US, MISS ANGEL?” The girl would grace them with a kind, gentle giggle, before scaling down the tree. Her name was Rene Hana Kruger.

Jin, being a young 12 year old boy, instantly fell in love with this girl. Even despite her being 7 years older, more around his brother's age. The boys, now accompanied by Rene, would go on a new hiking trail. Jin would be the one to get closest to Rene during this trip, starting the conversations and getting to know her. He fell head over heels for this girl, but the age gap was too large, so he kept it to himself. The group would continue meeting together and turned the weekly hikes into daily adventures. They would come to learn that Rene was a lover of literature. She knew about books from all over the world. How books opened portals to other worlds, or other times. How reading can open the mind to new possibilities. These words stuck to Jin, who then began to read books nonstop.

A year later, Dai would confess to Rene and they would get together. This crushed Jin's heart, but he hid that fact from them. That they had found happiness in one another. Jin would show that he was glad that they were happy together, and the couple appreciated it. Oosaka would comfort Jin, knowing about his long crush on the girl. Even if it was just puppy love.

5 years after, Dai would get married to Rene, Jin only being invited as a guest. I guess the scars from his past wouldn't make it into the wedding party photos. Afterwards, Dai and Rene had moved away to Kyoto, many miles from their home town. No matter the amount of attempts he tried to make with his old friend Rene, he never got a response. He soon gave up and moved on with his own life. He was still very close to Oosaka, so when they moved to go to college, the friends decided to move to Karakura and attend college there. They would rent out an apartment and lived together until they both graduated.

Jin had went into college for communications and journalism, while Oosaka went to school for pre-med and biology. The boys would rarely see one another, but always set up a Saturday to go hiking together. They would climb the various mountains around Karakura, some that did not have their own set trails. Those were their favorites. But the one mountain they enjoyed hiking was the one leading to the monastery. The boys fell in love with the view and wanted to learn more about the shrine. The maidens would teach them about Shintoism. Jin was not really paying attention, as he was too busy with the view, but Oosaka took in the information. The boy did not really believe in religion before, so he thought it would be a change of pace to practice something new.

During Jin's time in college, he worked many odd jobs to pay off his debts. While doing this, he got involved in a wrong type of group. An underground gang that lived in the shadows of the city. During this time, the young Jin would be tasked with spying on individuals and bringing back private information on those individuals in exchange for money. Most of the information he gained was used for blackmail or in some cases, to track down and kill the individuals. At first, he was against it, until he was threatened himself into doing so. He was eventually desensitized to the killing and blackmail, and kept going about his private investigating for the gang. Eventually earning himself his freedom from the gang, but he still occasionally went back to get more jobs from them, when he was desperate for money. Ending up joining the gang at one point and working his way up to being a member of the gang's management. Being an official for the gang was where he truly shined, being able to give orders and flexible plans that were nearly impossible to mess up. Backup plans that have their own backup plans. There was one specific mission that he went on his own, and it was to exterminate a high value target. This was when he first killed someone. The thrill was something he enjoyed, but refused himself to do it again. Not wanting to kill for the wrong reasons, and in fear of becoming like his brother. Resigning himself from the gang and from assisting in gang activities, but keeping all he learned in his mind, never forgetting.

After the boys graduated, Oosaka moved to Kyoto to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor, while Jin remained in Karakura. Jin had applied to many jobs to make ends meet, paying off his debts and living expenses. During those odd jobs he did, he would also apply to become a journalist for many places, wanting to pursue a career in writing, knowing his creativity would help in this type of job. He became a journalist at the young age of 23, where he would write fun articles, complimented with his serious toned ones, the ones that every news reporter and journalist wanted to write about.


Jin would stand at a height of 6'3, weighing 195 lbs. His long, pitch black hair was a staple of his look. He constantly wore his hair in a ponytail, trailing halfway down his back. He would have sharp, crystal blue eyes. His stare was gentle, but had authority behind them. The wore light grey glasses and had black 2 earrings on his left ear. The earring on top, the helix piercing, would be attached to the earing on his ear lobe. The earring he wore would have a small cross hanging down, This was strange, coming from a man who did not believe in religion. He would have a scar down across his left eye brow, and one across his nose. He would have stubble growing on his face, despite all of his attempts to keep a clean shaven face.

Reference Photos

Jin when he became a Journalist

Jin Current

Jin and his niece, Okemia