Volume 3 serialization for:

The Self-Harming Pacifist 2: Looking Through the Cracks

by Zac Thraves

The Self-Harming Pacifist 2: Looking Through the Cracks, a memoir by Zac Thraves, 2022-2023. Serialized by Revolutionary Review, a publication of Revolutionary Press.

Here in Volume 3, we are honored to present the first three chapters and the Introduction from Zac Thraves's book. In this book, Thraves reflects on his battle with depression and the peace he finds at the end of this journey.

This book is a sequel to The Self-Harming Pacifist, which is currently available on Amazon. Buy it here.

Serialization for Vol. 3 Thrave's The Self-harming Pacifist chapter 1-3.pdf