Situated knowledges

Please reference as: Maria Tamboukou (2018) 'Situated Knowledges'

We seek not the knowledges ruled by phallogocentrism (nostalgia for the presence of the one true Word) and disembodied vision, but those ruled by partial sight and limited voice. We do not seek partiality for its own sake, but for the sake of the connections and unexpected openings situated knowledges make possible. The only way to find a larger vision is to be somewhere in particular.

(Haraway, Situated Knowledges, 590)

In her article, Intersections and cross-fertilizations between feminist research and refugee studies Alexandra Zavos asks two crucial questions:

  • Can a feminist perspective help us formulate questions that would support a critical approach to the study of contemporary refugee issues?
  • Does the refugee crisis call for a renewed interrogation of feminist knowledge practices?

This second question has been central in the project of revisiting the nomadic subject, as well as with my engagement with an emergent body of feminist theorizations, as well as its genealogies:

Intersectional Feminist Interventions in the Refugee Crisis (2018)

Experts, Refugees and Radicals: Borders and Orders in the Hotspot of Crisis (2018)

Nesting Crises (2018)

Refugee Compassion and the Politics of Embodied Storytelling: A Critical Conversation (2018)

The 'Refugee Crisis' From Athens to Lesvos and Back: A Dialogical Account (2017)

Feminist Theory and the European Refugee Crisis (2016)

Vulnerability in Resistance (2016)

Gubernamentalidad y relaciones de inclusión/exclusión: los dispositivos de intervención social dirigidos a mujeres inmigradas en España* [Governmentality and Relations of Inclusion/Exclusion: Social Intervention Devices Aimed at Immigrant Women in Spain] (2016)

Why no borders? (2009)

Inserting Feminism in Transnational Migration Studies (2009)

The world beyond our window: Nomads, travelling theories and the function of boundaries (1996)