What is the Rapture in the Bible Verses

Is the rapture in the bible? Actually, that term doesn’t appear in the ancient prophecies - it’s  a word that has been inserted somewhere along the way. Bible verses about the rapture were originally written in other languages, so the interpretation has been stretched a little over the ages.

Some sources believe the word rapture was originally derived from the Latin word raptus, which means to “carry off”. That original Latin word was later changed to raptura, which means “to seize or snatch away”. Then again, the original bible verses about the rapture were written in Hebrew, with some Aramaic, whereas the new testament was written in a form of early Greek. The Greek verb harpazo appears in many verses, and the meaning of that word translates as “caught up or caught away”. 

That brings us back to the word “rapture”. Even in modern translations of the bible, that word doesn’t appear, although the term is commonly known by Christians throughout the world. And that leads us to our original question, what is the rapture in the bible?

Out of all the bible verses about the rapture, a very interesting one is Thessalonians 4:17, which says “then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.” (WEB)

H’mmm, caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. That’s an interesting one, isn’t it? Keeping in mind that many of the ancient texts were written in disguised terms, an interesting interpretation of 

what is the rapture in the bible is contained in the book  Ancient Prophecy, Future Visions. Be prepared, the interpretations contained in that book will challenge your views on life as we know it.