Signs of the End of Times in the Bible

Signs of the end of times in the bible can be hard to decipher because the the ancient prophecies were written in disguised terms. However, there are hints in the end times bible prophecy of Daniel and also in Revelation. One very clear biblical indicator is in Daniel 12.4 where it says “many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” 

On face value, that doesn’t seem to mean anything, until we take into account the time it was written, where most people of that era would not travel far from their home villages because the main mode of transport was horse and cart. In comparison, our modern world has people travelling worldwide on a regular basis (other than in pandemic times). 

Okay, that might explain the running to and fro, but what about the reference that knowledge shall increase? Again, compared with the times that the prophecy was written, where generally people were ill-informed, our modern society has an abundance of knowledge accessible to anyone with a smartphone or internet connection.

So, are these signs of the end of times as written in the bible? One book that sheds light on the old prophecies is Ancient Prophecy, Future Visions, although it’s rather controversial in its interpretations of the ancient biblical end times prophecy. In the ancient texts Daniel was told to seal up the book until the end of times - that end times in the bible prophecy is now open for all to see.