
End Time Prophecy

Revelation end time prophecy is largely based on the biblical writings of John. However, an earlier prophecy, dating back several hundred years before revelation was written, is the book of Daniel. Although written in different time frames, the later prophecies tend to reinforce the earlier prophecy - not only that, but they also expand upon the earlier prophecies in more detail.

That’s certainly the case with revelation end time prophecy. Even though the symbolism initially appears different to the visions that Daniel described, the interpretation is similar, despite first appearances.

Revelation end time prophecy paints a rather gloomy picture of our future, but is it all doom and gloom and can we take it as a literal prediction for our future world? If we step back from the religious perspective and view it from another viewpoint, perhaps the so-called end times in the bible is the beginning of a brighter future for us all.

Signs of the end of times can take many forms, regardless of whether we view those signs from a religious or non-religious perspective. Some might claim that the climate change weather patterns are signs of the so-called end of days. Perhaps they are, and then again, perhaps not.

Whether you’re religious or atheist, some of the interpretations contained in the controversial book Ancient Prophecy, Future Visions will likely shock you. This is  an alternative interpretation of revelation end of times prophecy that will challenge your views on life as we know it.