ACL Risk Reduction

Our goal is to provide athletes with the knowledge of how injuries occur and how to reduce the risk of them occurring.  By educating our patients on how to train and move properly, we can reduce their injury risk and have them perform at their highest level. We utilize Optogait in our sports performance testing. Optogait testing will identify deficiencies in mobility and strength and movement pattern problems, and asymmetries in limb movement on the basis of objective data and videos and determine how the patients’ performance is being effected. The data then helps us develop and apply a specific strength and conditioning program that focuses on the athlete's needs. 

Coach Steven Beverly has spent the last 13  years working in the rehabilitation and sports performance fields.  He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Certified Speed and Agility Coach. He  teaches our athletes safe movement patterns. and proper jump mechanics to help reduce the risk of ACL and other lower body injuries.  Influenced by the Santa Monica ACL Injury Prevention Project,  our program consists of 5 components: Dynamic Warm-up, Stretching, Strengthening, Plyometrics and Agility.  

If your school, team, or club is interested in having Coach Steven Beverly come out to work with your athletes on ACL Risk Reduction, please contact him at