Tuesday, July 21st

Join us for these LIVE sessions Tuesday, July 21st.

All listed session times are Pacific Standard Time (PST).

Live sessions will be recorded, and you will have access to all summit sessions until July 21, 2021, or for one full year.

9:00am PST

Day 2 Opening, Dr. Sheldon Eakins

9:30am PST

Reflective Forums: Taking a Look at the Past in Order to Plan for the Future, HyperDoc Girls (Lisa, Kelly, & Sarah)

Have you taken a moment to reflect on how the last quarter of the school year went for you and your students? Still unsure and worried about what next school year will look like?

Join us for an interactive reflective forum. Taking the time for reflection gives you the opportunity to look at the ‘why’, identify opportunities for improvement, consider theories and the impact of our decisions, and a chance to hear different perspectives. This forum is not about being told what you should do, it’s time to think, connect with others, and make decisions about how you can start to prepare for the upcoming school year regardless of final decisions for how it will look.

10:45am PST

Rethinking Self-Directed Learning: Are Your Self-Directed Learning Strategies Creating a Filter Bubble?, Monica Isabel Martinez

Most know about strategies for verifying sources. Some apply them, some don’t, and some just ‘like’, ‘retweet’ and ‘reshare’ content without even reading past the title. Even if information is factual, the inherent bias of those reports, images, and videos are seeping their ways into becoming our beliefs, which in turn lead us to behave and act in certain ways. So the important question you should be asking is, “am I living in a filter bubble?”

During this session, we’ll cover ways to customize your settings, curate lists for news sources and social accounts, and how to be more cognizant of messaging that affects your conscious and feeds your unconscious bias.

12:00pm PST

Lifting Student Voices: Cultivating a Writing Community in Any Discipline, Scott Bayer

Do your students have writing identities in your class? Do they know how to lift their voices as a historian, mathematician, or scientist? Do they see themselves as writers in your discipline? This session will help them do all these things, and more. Learn practical ways to build a writing culture in your classroom, while embedding cognitive routines that grow students as critical and creative thinkers. Leave this session with the resources needed to transform the writing community in your classroom.

1:15pm PST

About That Bath Water, Noah Geisel

During this global pandemic, school and district leaders have been forced to make myriad difficult decisions, often without the luxury of time to second guess themselves. In crisis mode, they've had to recognize gaps in what is required for learning access, and act quickly to triage the needs as best they can in the moment. As we reflect on the important moves and judgement calls these leaders have made, this panel discussion seeks to specifically analyze the rules, routines, policies, and traditions with which necessity dictated we dispense, and to provide a frank dialogue about whether some of these practices are best left out of the rebuilding that is ahead of us.

2:30pm PST

Creating Engaging Lessons Using Videos for Live, Online, & Distance Learning, Dr. Desiree Alexander

Most of our students are obsessed with videos! Come learn how to practically leverage the power of videos for instruction and assessments during live, online and distance learning!

3:45pm PST

Summit Announcements & Prizes

4:00pm PST

Rethink Wind Down with Brian Smith

Join Brian Smith to unwind and unpack your learning. From great music to excellent dialogue, Brian will provide a chill space for you to pause, breathe, and reflect daily.