Reziliență în Retail: Impactul tehnologic generat de COVID-19 asupra consumatorilor și companiilor de retail

(Resilient Retail: Technology driven COVID-19 Impact on Consumers and Retailers)


Ph.D., Associate Professor, has been a member of the Informatics Economics Department at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babeș-Bolyai University, since 2005. Her teaching and research activity are focused on Business Informatics Systems, more specifically on Data Analysis and Computing in Economics, as well as on promoting ICT integration in order to enhance teaching/learning excellence in the educational sphere. She is a firm believer in and promoter of the usefulness of modern teaching methods such as active and collaborative learning that are achieved through discovery, thus supporting the so-called “21st century learning skills”: creativity, critical thinking, developing a capacity to collaborate, as well as problem-solving abilities. Therefore, she believes that her role is that of continuously and systematically identifying the international tendencies of bettering and improving the curriculum for Business Information Systems. She is concerned with assimilating these tendencies in order to increase the students’ chances of becoming integrated in the national and international workforce. As a result, she has recently studied and applied new forms of the Big Data and Data Visualisation domains, as well as decision and optimization models, simulation and calculus methods and social media. So, her research interests are learning analytics, machine learning and neural networks. Her research results prove that she has acquired a broad understanding of the fundamental problems in these fields, as they were published in around 88 scientist articles (journals and conferences proceedings) . She has contributed to the creation of DigiHUBB - The Transylvania Center for Digital Humanitie