
Please  register  for the conference if you plan to participate.  The registration form includes questions regarding financial support.

A copy of your responses on the registration form will be emailed to you in case you want to go back and edit your responses. 

Registration Deadline (if you want to be considered for financial support):  March 1, 2024Registration is still  open  but funding decisions have been made.  You should hear from us within the next several days.

If your plans change, please notify the organizers via an email.


Please fill out  this form  if you require a visa.

Information for International Participants.

Visa regulations are continually changing for travel to the United States. Visa applications may take from three to four months to process and require a personal interview, as well as specific personal information. International participants should view the important information about traveling to the U.S. found here. If you need a preliminary conference invitation in order to secure a visa, please contact the organizers. 

If you discover you do need a visa, the National Academies website provides these tips for successful visa applications:

This list is not to be considered complete.  Please visit the website above for the most up-to-date information.