Welcome to Renato Pistola's page

A long time ago I was struggling with the meaning of life. So I read novels, philosophy and similar stuff. But even Monty Python couldn't help me. Instead of looking into empty wine glasses (that's still a good option, by the way), I 've searched the meaning of life on History and I asked myself what can we learn from the past? So I started learning from history. 

What has happened since then?

I completed a Ph.D. in Contemporary History (University of Lisbon, 2018) on friendly societies with the thesis "Entre Mutualismo e Capitalismo. Os Caminhos do Montepio Geral (1840-1930).

I also have a Master's degree in Modern History (FCSH, New University of Lisbon), with the thesis Alcântara, A Evolução Industrial de Meados do Século XIX ao final da I.ª República (2009).

... and I've worked on various projects and topics you can see here.