Resolutions and Memos

FAC Documents for the Legislature

FAC Proposed Substitute Language for HB 6402 19 Feb 2021 (Public Hearing scheduled for March 4 2021)

FAC response to Barnes' Feb 8th report on SF Finances. 19 Feb 2021

Barnes' report was circulated to legislators with a note claiming that it addressed faculty 'misinformation'. The 'misinformation' referenced was likely this article: Nothing in Barnes' response contradicts the content of the article

ACME and Shared Governance -- Resolutions and Commentary

FAC Reports to the BOR, Dec 2020:

Report of the Chair, David Blitz

Report of the Vice-Chair, Colena Sesanker

AR revision

FY21 budget revision

cscu president search

APRC and equity

College resolutions on the SF Org Chart

College resolutions of non-participation in SF:

to Stand with Our Unions/ withdraw elected members from consolidation workgroups/ not vote on products of the plan

current count: governance bodies at 11/12 colleges have passed resolutions of non-participation & the Faculty Advisory Committee to the Board of Regents has passed resolutions of support for the non-participation decisions. The remaining college has not yet voted on the resolutions.

(Many academic departments and two state-wide discipline groups have withdrawn from SF initiatives also. See section below)

Asnuntuck CC:

~resolution recalling elected representatives of Students First committees pledging to not vote on products of the SF plan, 7 Feb 2020

Capital CC:

~CCC College Senate Resolution Against SF, 27 Feb 2020

Gateway CC:

~GCC resolution to stand with our unions, 28 Jan 2020

~GCC resolution recalling elected representatives to Students First committees, 28 Jan 2020

Housatonic CC:

~HCC resolution opposing 'Students First', and encouraging faculty and staff to not participate in SF work. 4 Feb 2020

Manchester CC:

~Resolution on Non-Participation in Students First Academic and Student Affairs Consolidation Committees, and the General Education Workgroup Effective Immediately, 5 March 2020

Naugatuck Valley CC:

~CEAC Resolution on SF General Education and Program Curricula Endorsement, 6 Feb 2020

~GEAC Resolution on SF General Education and Program Curricula Endorsement, 13 Feb 2020

~Faculty Senate Resolution Recalling Faculty from Students First Committees and Workgroups, 19 Feb 2020 &

~Resolution- Faculty Senate non-participation in endorsement voting process for the proposed General Education or any other “Students First” curricula, 19 Feb 2020

Northwestern CC:

~NWCC Professional Senate Resolution to Stand With Our Unions, 9 Mar 2020

Norwalk CC:

~NCC resolution to stand with our unions and to withdraw elected members of consolidation workgroups, 29 Jan 2020

~NCC Senate resolution on SF Gen Ed. and SF programs. Also passed by the NCC Curriculum Committee and NCC Gen Ed Committee, 26 Feb 2020

Quinebaug Valley CC:

~QVCC Academic Senate confirms to withdraw its elected representatives from all committees, workgroups and consolidation work that support the CSCU Student's First Plan. 16 Oct 2020 [19 affirms,11 opposed, 4 abstentions]

Three Rivers CC:

~TRCC resolution to stand with our unions, TRCC Faculty Senate resolution to withdraw elected members of consolidation workgroups, 31 Jan 2020

~TRCC Staff Senate resolution to recall elected members of consolidation workgroups, 14 Feb 2020

~ TRCC Curriculum Committee Resolution on Students First Plan General Education 9 Mar 2020

Tunxis CC:

Professional Staff Organization Resolutions to:

~Stand with Our Unions, 20 Feb 2020

~Recall elected Reps to SF Committees, 20 Feb 2020

~not vote on Gen Ed or other SF curricula, 20 Feb 2020

FAC, 28 Feb 2020:

~FAC Resolution of Support for Faculty Recall Resolutions.

~FAC Resolution of Support for College Rejection of the SF Curricular Endorsement Process.

(FAC resolutions duplicated below in FAC section)

Statement of Unity in Opposition to 'Student's First' endorsed by four unions: 4Cs, AAUP, AFT, AFSCME and the press release that accompanied it.

Votes of No Confidence in the 'Students First' plan and consolidation, Mark Ojakian, president of the CSCU system, and the Board of Regents for the CSCU system:

[full text of common resolution here]

Table: All 16 institutions with NC status and tally as of Spring 2019

Faculty Advisory Committee to the Board of Regents- Resolutions, Memos & Reports:

**** comments of 14 Dec 2017 and 11 May 2017 include proposed alternatives to the SF Consolidation plan

*listed above with resolutions to stand with our unions also

College Resolutions, Letters & Feedback: