Acronym Cheat Sheet

Click for membership lists:

BOR: Board of Regents (Established 2011)

CCIC: College Consolidation Implementation Committee

FAC: Faculty Advisory Committee

FIRC: Framework Implementation and Review Committee oversees TAP general education requirements and implementation of TAP degrees

GPTF: Guided Pathways Task Force (with subgroups Choice Architecture, Recruitment Architecture and Support Architecture.)

NEASC: New England Association of Schools and Colleges- the accrediting agency changed its name to NECHE in mid-2018

NECHE: New England Commission of Higher Education (formerly NEASC)

SFASACC: The Students First Academic and Student Affairs Consolidation Committee

  • Until 1 March, 2019, the SFASACC and its workgroups had no publicly posted membership list, meeting dates, agendas or minutes.
  • It currently consists of roughly 50 members, 12 of whom are elected by their colleges as representatives

TAP: created by the BOR in 2012, the Transfer and Articulation Program allows students who follow a TAP pathway to enter the CSUs as a rising junior after completing their first 60 credits at a Community College. If the pathway is followed, no credits are lost.

Phase Two Diagram published by BOR on Feb 23 2018, outlining Consolidation Implementation Structure