
Brain MAP (painted by Lee KY)

Research Focus

  The goal of my research is to understand structural and molecular mechanisms underlying experience-dependent synapse remodeling in physiological and pathological conditions. To investigate these issues, I have studied how activity modulation and/or brain disorders modify the pattern of synaptic connectivity and reorganize molecular composition of excitatory synapses in the brain.

  I have utilized systematic neurobiological approaches including 3D electron microscopy and live imaging, molecular cell biology, biochemistry, and behavioral tests with rodent models. In long-term perspective, I hope to provide key insights into neuronal circuit plasticity as well as therapeutic regimens for synaptic impairments involved in brain disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, autism and epilepsy

Research Area I

Reconstruction of Neural Circuits using 3D Electron Microscopy 

3차원 전자현미경 기반 시냅스 및 세포소기관 구조 분석

Research Area II

Functional Role for Synaptic Proteins in health and disease

시냅스 단백질의 기능 규명 연구 (분자신호전달기전연구)

3D reconstruction of a Pyramidal neuron and a PV+ interneuron

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