
Hogwarts on a Christmas Eve

Well hello there! I am Padma Patil here with my sister Parvati Patil. We are from Hogwarts, and we will take you on a magical journey to a Wizarding world. If you are ready buckle up and enjoy the ride.


We have something really interesting to share about the past of Hogwarts. It holds many secrets that not many know of. Consider yourself lucky as we share this with you, but bear in mind by all means you must keep this a secret or you will be sent to the Muggle world forever.

On one of the most awaited Christmas Eves, we found none other than Harry Potter sitting in a corridor reading his books. He was going to change things up for the Wizarding world as I, Padma, first saw him after being in separate houses. However, I did not have the guts to talk to him. Just before Harry was born, Lord Voldemort had started conquering the world. He wanted to be the most powerful wizard in the world and to do so he destroyed people who went against his will.

Lord Voldemort was slowly taking over the towns as many people became scared of his powers. No one had the strength to conquer him, until the birth of Harry Potter. Meanwhile, my whole magical Patil family knew about the Indian epic Ramayana and how one day it was going to take place again, but in a different form. Our family were the devotees of Lord Brahma and Vishnu and prayed every day when my sister and I were babies for a miracle to stop this darkness from spreading. Then one day our family had a visit from Lord Rama during their meditation, who said he would reincarnate as a form of Harry Potter to fight the battles for peace. Slowly but surely, they realized that Lord Voldemort was none other than Ravana from the Ramayana and the Ramayana II was going to take place soon. They knew we had to get Harry Potter on our side and help him along the journey.

As we heard from our family that Lord Voldemort was planning a big attack we knew it was the time to confront Harry. One day after the Christmas holiday, we went up to Harry Potter as he was eating in the cafeteria and introduced ourselves to him. He was completely shocked to learn about his connection to Lord Voldemort and the Ramayana. First, he thought it was some kind of mistake and we had to prove to him that he was a reincarnation of Rama. We brought a bow and an arrow to him, which he had never even touched, and asked him to shoot at the target. He complained and asked many questions until one of us had to tell him to shut up and shoot. As he shot his first arrow, it hit the target perfectly in the middle. Harry was tremendously terrified and we were getting excited as we found our Rama. Afterwards, Harry agreed to conquer Ravana, but on one condition, which was that we Patil sisters would be there to help him fight evil Lord Voldemort, reincarnation of Ravana.