
(Boys and Girls)

Game Start Time:

3:30 PM

Gameday of the week:

Tuesday, Thursday

Gameday expectations:

Provide water for visiting teams, bring own water bottles

Bring own warm-up tennis balls

Sport Specific Guidelines:

Three singles, three doubles at varsity and JV

Continuous coaching is allowed at region matches/duals.

Will qualify for state per UHSAA guidelines during the Region Meet

In the case of a divisional tournament, a region tournament will still be played and will be used to seed the divisional tournament.

The players that qualify for state must go to state

Region Champion Criteria including tiebreaker scenarios

One point per win in each dual meet (up to 6 points per match (3-3, 2-4, 5-1, etc.)

Region Meet

1st = 5

2nd = 3

3rd = 2

4th = 1

In the event of a team tie, teams will be co-champions and two trophies will be awarded

Region title is the culmination of points from region play and the region tournament.

Region Tournament Criteria

Girls Region Tournament - 9/27 (JV) 9/29-30 (Varsity)

Players must have played in a region match in order to participate in the region meet.

All placement matches will be played - For the final round of the region tournament, if competitors have already played each other in an earlier round, the result of that previous match stands, and the final match will not be played.

JV Tournament will be on the Monday before Varsity tourney @ CV hosts and runs tournament,

Will attempt to reschedule JV tourney if time allows

Region Criteria for seeding tie breaker:

  1. Head-to-head

  2. Fewest sets lost

  3. Fewest games lost/differential

Boys Region matches will begin on March 21 to accommodate Spring Breaks and rescheduling due to weather.

Boys Region JV Tournament: Monday, May 9th @ CV

Boys Region Varsity Tournament: Wednesday-Thursday, May 11-12 @ Uintah H.S.

Boys State Tournament: Friday-Saturday, May 20-21

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